lost in the woods
This was his downfall, he was too damn curious and would ignore common sense. basically his cute, adorable name became ironic when he finally decided to leave the yard.
Love Struck Spark: Chapter 5
"you are the downfall of me, megatron, yourself and now...optimus as well..." it hissed. "w-wait...i...what about ratchets idea...removing you from me!" sam tried. "and what? just let me roam free, slowly dissipating into nothing?
A otherkins memories
I quickly prepared for whatever creature would be my downfall. what appeared from behind those bushes was a human girl with black hair. she was all alone. what should have been an easy kill was harder than i thought. the girl began to walk over to me.
Preview from another world
Nero's nephew would become the downfall of nero someday. however that is not the story for this time. several centuries after that fated incident the population began to use the technology of the old, as a baseline.
Fenris' Inferno Chapter 1: Skritch
The way one book pretty much caused the downfall of the confederacy. the confederacy and slaves were like mormons and polygamy, or furries and zetas, doomed from the start." "hey don't make fun of us furries.
Beacon & Nightshade Meet
He and frostbite, heatstroke's opposite, are trapped in the dimension of heat, and are about to witness that dimension's downfall. this is what lies at the end of this tunnel: a scene of ruin and of loneliness. is that motivation enough for you?"
A Swell Time
But alas, my sex is my downfall, and as i lack any organs to be capable of such a feat, i must live my life as a childless "mother."
Enjoy Life While it Lasts. Part 3. Luki's Sacrifice
And he would be his downfall too if that was fates plan. either way.. what he would have given to have his mom here right now. he felt so alone.. he went on walking for a few hours. there wasn't much he could do about his neck.
Cottontail vs Andra 1
Will cottontail be able to speak her way out of this, or will the shapeshifting construct's ability to take on the form one finds the most pleasing be cottontail's downfall. i'm proud to be hosting cottontailva in the tournament of pleasure.
The Observer Stories Log 1
And not some crazy robotics and engineer who will be your downfall! oh wait... -the source - who knows? -you, the player - that person with dr. laserbeard. your fate is about to be sealed! log: 1/?? page 1 | next there might be as many as 20 logs.
17- The Mad Queen
#22 of the legend of rift book iii: downfall "do you have any idea how reckless that was?" silvus snapped in anger. "had i not shown up, you two would have been dead!" he could see both kardia and neala staring at him, but he didn't care.
20- Shattered Soul
#25 of the legend of rift book iii: downfall "he should have been here by now with two heads being presented to me." shara paced nervously. she looked at carmine with irritation. "go find him. i need him." the red drake bowed slowly.