[Infosheet] Naisurian Squeaks
Taste remains much the same, but is improved to be at least one and a half times (1.5x) it's original sensitivity.
Little Wings of the Storm
Meh, not bad enough not to share; i want to improve, don't i? anyway, if you have something to say about my work, go ahead and tell me!
Review - Book 3 Red Twilight: Worldwalkers
The writing has dramatically improved in comparison to the previous two books, that one might reasonably think that the author is a completely different person.
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 2
Mankind improved upon evolution and brought all manner of wonder and horror from the mind's womb with time running out."
Krystal and Chase: Swordplay
"he has improved, i will admit that." the vixen replied as chase tumbled once again, "but...i don't think he's ready for the field."
Rubber 4 - Rubber TF
"just making some improvements, love. don't worry, mammy's here. and everything's going to be better." i said, advancing on him, pushing him onto his back on the wooden floor. it might not be comfortable for me, but i couldn't stand it any longer.
Soaring Emotions I 1/2: The Transformation
Rather than destroying his brain this force was improving it, redecorating the very interior of his mind. his naked body lay haphazardly on the ground as his skin steadily blushed a rosy red.
NC 20: The Choice of Teacher
Inc. needed to narrow down his focus and improve himself within a week. knowing it required supernatural levels of effort was no barrier: he had the contacts needed.
Chapter 4- Stepping off on the wrong foot
I got most improve, most inspiring and most positive. everybody was cheering and it seems that everything in the world, bad or good, was waiting and watching me.
The Uncaged Beast - Arakkoa TF
-ell... a significant improvement, i have to s-mrrwrrrkkk-ay..." he gave a wicked grin as he conjured up a magical spell to get a good view of his freshly improved body, admiring the sleek, glossy feathers and his potent, masculine muscles.
Drive, Part 1.
Gardner going through the improvements that he will want to make to my security." the vulpine simply nods his head and then heads off to make the changes. with the fox gone, mr.
After the Storm - Part 23 [Looking Back]
His next lesson from his father was more of physical improvements: improving his running and dodging abilities, jumping and landing, even his kicks.