Three Furs, One House
Were it not for our five point racing harnesses, we would have both been thrown into the dashboard by the force of the deceleration.
A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 6 - The Temple -
"up for a little race?" alex said, grinning over her shoulder at him, "to the mountain beyond that forest down over...there..." "you make me go through the traumatic experience of first flight and now you want me to race a seasoned artist at flight?!?!"
Rear Wheel Drive-Chapter 1-New Year's Day
The laughter filled the nearly full dorm room. Jamie's music filled the air and forced my head and mind to move with it, it so deeply penetrated my soul. "There's no way you can chug a liter of coke in under a minute Nathan", Tessa laughed. I laughed,...
Race to live prt. 2
She had a rough start but she didn't have a problem later throughout the race. but half-way through the race, disaster strikes.
The Liger's Happy Days: Day 1
"Onmy?! Stay close I don't want you getting into trouble, or worse." A lion with golden fur and red main with a red tuft on his tail spoke, he also had a symbol of a sword's hilt on his shoulder. "ok father." a small liger cub spoke up, he had golden...
Downstream Portland
#11 of the amazing race 3 previously on the amazing race, our teams saw the desert up close in arizona. josee & ryan fought; a lot. everyone got a free skydiving lesson and tips on how to not eat pizza blindfolded.
Which Way Is The Guatemalan Way?
#8 of the amazing race 3 previously on the amazing race, the remaining teams dived right into the interesting sights of honduras. then after scarfing down a local delicacy and motoring to an ancient mayan temple, the teams were able to check in.
Fast Lane Chapter 1: Preparations
With jackson heights having just opened theres going to be a lot of sprint and drift races going on up on the mountain. due to the dangers of racing on a mountain stakes will be high.
A Price for Everything pt 5
**the end** tags: story series, red-tailed hawk, avian, bird, harpy, fantasy, fae, faerie, seelie, unseelie, nosex, no sex, clean, transformation, violence (not in yiff), fear, danger, race, competition, wolf, slave, slavery, freedom, race, implied
A Price for Everything pt 4
**the end** tags: avian, bird, red-tailed hawk, harpy, race, competition, transformation, clean, nosex, no sex, male, female summary: the race continues, and the harpy seems intent on catching richard.
A Price for Everything pt 3
The race begins for richard! a sequel to "a price for everything" written by veronicafoxx posted using postybirb **title here by: veronicafoxx for: arrow** richard perched obediently on lord angelmaris's arm, looking around with interest.
Sigh For COSI
#21 of the amazing race 3 previously on the amazing race, our final six teams traveled to mississauga for a little interesting adventure. after a stroll through the park, most of our teams tried to chill out in a local yoga school.