Sorrow And Joy - Chapter 5: A Happy Occurrence
Sorrow & Joy By PokePimp I have been told that life is cruel Life will be my undoing Yet no one mentioned what life could yield The sweet fruits of love fell about me But I was not ready to catch them Chapter 5: A Happy...
a snippet of lone wolf book 1 part 1 chapter 1
.** before she felt even the first twinge in her belly the she-wolf set out to find a remote birthing den. she knew somehow that this birth would not be the same as the others.
Vivat Draco
The room was vast: beyond cavernous, beyond enormous, beyond gigantic, transcending any size that a normal mind could conceive, it stretched on and on and up and up through the ever-living rock, the curves of its walls flowing out from floor level,...
Ramirez Trapped
Clutching at her belly as it shrank as she gave birth and closing her eyes. after what felt like an hour her body was empty. her holes left gaping wide. and a strange quire of humms filled the room.
[c] Zellorin's Eggcellent Evening 2
She felt the eggs occupying her womb shift, and then suddenly, one of them settled into her birth canal. her voice rose to a high, wordless whine, and almost as second nature, she sunk to her hands and knees.
Recording of Azalea Rose's Birthing
I'm sure if hir physician thought otherwise shi would have recommended a hospital birth.
Wide Receiver
His body pulsed with pleasure as the effects of the birth started to die down. "that was amazing stud...same time next week?"
Tale 5-2 - Swagcorp's Colonization Policy 3
You should expect to be giving birth anytime now! when the time finally comes, feel free to return to the swagcorp medi-capsule for any medical assistance you might need!"
ice's childhood part two
well after the fight in what mom had won,she howled as the wolf had fled and dad went after him.He chased after him and snapped at his feet until he was on the edge of our home.Then he turned around and saw my moms bloody neck and ran after her...
Rosa's Guide to Poképhillia, Ch 3.5 - Birthing
**notice: this chapter is exclusively about birthing. due to it not involving any sex, it'll be a shorter chapter. also, birthing isn't my specialty, so this is basically just short flavour text mixed with humour.
Fate, Desteny or strange luck (Episode 8 of 8. All wishes fulfilled)
A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. Are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...
A Difficult Birth Part three
Not very long this one but if i made it longer the 4 part would be unbelievably short leaf leaned up slowly and shakily holding her breath and pushing hard, akila was trying her best to help leaf along with her difficult birth.