Corwin Hall, Chapter 21
You're old now, and you have to be more careful. i don't want to lose you." geraden's paw closed gently around the wolf's wrist. arvetis sighed, pinning his ears back, and stared down at his arm as his husband ministered to his injury. "i know.
Once there he lifted her out as carefully as he could. her fur and clothes now completely gone as blisters formed, popped, and bled all over her body.
Part 1
The small town carnival was in full swing as the wolf stepped out of the woods. He laughed to himself softly as his eyes fell on a Buick Roadmaster sitting alone at the edge of the lot. Easy pickings. Hopping the fence and ducking down out of sight, he...
You Are Worth More
An emotional, nervous wreck like paul was no companion for the confident, caring, charismatic tiger. paul breathed in to steady himself and pushed the door open.
Tender Moments
She knew he desperately needed this release, and didn't worry if he inadvertently hit her, as she cared to deeply for him to let that bother her. after what seemed like an eternity, he finally calmed down to a gentle weep as he started to cuddle her.
Sexy dream by Shorin
Specops once again blushed and said "well i do want something, but i don't know if i can have it" shorin, being very hospitable and caring said "anything that i have is yours. please do not hesitate to ask."
As Days Go By
Obviously not caring about the blood that might get on him. as he held me close to him i felt something that i'd never felt before. the feeling that some one actually cares about me.
Quickie Masochistic Paolumu story
Those claws gently trailed back down the paolumu's front, carefully running through their fur to scratch delicately along tender skin.
QCP: NS-06 The Time of Night
"second of all, we look at your life from the first encounter with the care bears on up to present day. nothing the care bear family did was out of place, underhanded, nor inappropriate toward you specifically.
QCP: NS-05 Sundered Hearts
He actually sounded as if he cared about my outward career. therefore... and i must sound like a hypocrite now... i signed the sundered hearts contract forms.
QCP: NS-04 Filling in For Krypto
I made sure krypto was stationed at myths so i could personally take care of him. hey, he was my sponsor dad; i had to take care of him. of course missions for krypto were still being directed to me; krypto was in no condition to perform them.
QCP: NS-03 Graduate Level Mission
Because of people who don't care how they get to the top. if we don't care... we're not any better than them." athame then turned and scurried back over to yok and climbed up to sit on his shoulder.