The Legacy of Anubis
As he laid there other images came in his mind, ones of other humans dressed in ancient egyptian garb as well as other animal people like him.
The Oasis
"we underestimated how much influence they had on the government of egypt. the nazis had purchased protection and promised to train an elite egyptian army. someone had to deal with them, but egypt was not friendly territory any more.
Chosen of Ashurha II: Blood of the Fallen
**_This is a rough draft, so bear with me. I'll edit this over time. On a side note, if you catch the video game reference in here, I will love you. _** **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** Chosen of Ashurha 2-...
To them reviving him by order of their master, the fallen whom soon gets killed by optimus in egypt after the human revived him after megatron killed him.
Perhaps the scarab that he had stolen from the egyptian museum of antiquities had something to do with it; mark had offended the gods of ancient egypt by this act, and now was cursed to be trapped in an infernal labyrinth from which he would never escape
Chapter 1: Friday Night Surprise
Aker, if you didn't know, is the name of an egyptian god. that is me." aker explained, grinning hugely. "so lemme get this straight? my dad is a lion god from egypt. yeah. i'm calling the cops." darius said simply, pulling out his cellphone.
Angel Eyes and Ocean Tears
Also, sebby is an egyptian prince, so he's super rich, so he can, in fact, afford the things he does. finally, there's a little bit of time hopping.
Camilla - the Conquerer, Chapter 14
That even sounds egyptian," camilla called over to him. "anuset? that sounds good. very good, in fact. wish me luck, my darling!" "what could possibly happen to you? i love you, anuset." "i love you too."
The One Where They Go To Zimbabwe
#7 of the amazing race 2 on the last leg of the amazing race, players traveled to cairo, egypt. they had a choice: search for keys in al-azhar park or sculpt a pyramid out of dough. thanks to a fast forward, the fraternity brothers came in first.
Megalopolis - A Father's Visit
He chuckles, "and while you can still fit in here, i think the return of an ancient egyptian god might cause a panic even in this city of supernatural beings."
Megaloplis - Truth can be stranger than fiction
An egyptian jackal's head with crossed crock and flail silhouetted behind it and a small cartouche bearing the egyptian symbols that spell his name pained in a neat and delicate script above the seal.
Megalopolis - Birth of Anubis
Not for the first time he wonders who this stranger is and why they are both dressed in something straight out of an egyptian wall painting.