the tears of a dragon
For all his wisdom... for all the knowlege... all the years he was willingly bound by one set of chains that he himself forged and wore ...
Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 14
"but he will also need temperance and wisdom from you, for these things were lost when his soul was shattered, and it is from those fragmented pieces which i made you.
Adept Paws: The Last Journey
Her life had spanned more centuries than most dragon's did decades, and the wisdom of those ages resonated in her voice. her claws set against the floor, she moved with purpose and serenity.
Poem - Egality
Reduced to mere automatons from out the spring of youth; no ear to hear the truth nor wisdom will they seek? our once essential warriors were made expendable, because those joke machines deemed them not dependable.
A Sacrifice
My inner sense tells me what i think is wisdom, to keep a hold of the new family. i need myself to be more acquainted before i lose myself. constantly moving, i cannot keep up with being introduced until two names later.
The Darkness
Alone is the path of the wondering_ _without a guiding light back home_ _for the fields no longer live_ _and all that remains are the lost_ _inscribed on the stone are words of truth_ _speaking of the journey set before the soul_ _in them is the only wisdom
The Foolish Toads
Wise aesop told this tale, its wisdom rings 'tis better log, than stork is, as your king. written by me © creative commons 2016
The Road: a poem
The pup, gains companions, gains a family, gains wisdom, and the road goes on and on. soon, as the pup tires, the dawn breaks, over the weary travelers, over the road, the well-trodden road, the road that goes ever on.
Her smile shines beautifully like the sun rising over the horizon, and her intelligence, wisdom, and hard work are not surprising.
Till the end...
Best i can, till tears fall & my composure begins to unwind when that happens, forgive me for my pitiful tears & cries to say i cared very little would be the biggest of lies we weren't related by blood, but family is how you treated me you gave wisdom
Scales of Colour
Dragons of every colour and scale unto i say to thee spread your wing, cry out a hail and listen to my decree copper scales from distant isles show wisdom and resolve for their knowledge travels miles and makes dragon-kind evolve silver scales i
Wolf's Howl
The wisdom of a thousand years. the desire to protect those yet unborn and mourning for those left behind. listen to the wolf's howl and hear the sound of freedom.