A Friends Camping Trip
Stepping out and with the thunk of the car door, taylor gets his first views of the camping area.
Camping, The Right Way.
"the only reasons you don't like camping is because you haven't done it the right way." the dog said with a shrug. "what exactly is the right way to camp then!?"
The Camping Trip - The Detour
#3 of the camping trip an: next chapter. not as long as i originally wanted, but whatever. chapter 4 was originally going to be chpater 3, but then this roadside blowjob idea popped into my head and demanded a place here.
The Camping Trip - The Preliminaries
Part of me thought that the idea of having to spend the next week sleeping outdoors and eating camp food everyday was less desirable than being tossed into a crocodile-infested bog.
Gone Camping with a Barebear
Harley began to move through the camp toward their shared tent, crouching low at the entrance and forcing vince down onto the sleeping bags within.
Fudge Camp 2
The stallion got closer and watched, a bit puzzled to find this bull running a tattoo salon in the middle of the fudge camp.
First Day Camping
She thought to herself how charming it was of him to have had purchased all sorts of camping supplies just to please her. kaiden was out of his element out here, but he did if for her. "he really is a sweetie." ariel thought to herself.
Senior Camping Fun
Tire lifted me off my foot paws and carried me back to camp "you know next time you enter me ok?"
Camp, and a familiar face...
The two groups were located within howling (or yapping) distance, close enough for the other camp to hear the usual noises that one expects around a camp in the countryside.
One night at camp
Stepping outside into the cold morning, he walked away from camp to the latrine they had dug, wondering if pete shared his interest for other fluids.
Thanatos at Soccer Camp
He still did take some time to play, as his mother had been nice enough to buy him a full soccer uniform to match the rest of his soccer camp team.
A Summer Camp to Remember
I was working as a camp counselor at a bible camp on clearwater lake, a very lovely, rustic youth camp if ever i'd seen one. i wasn't paid very much, but i had such a great time doing it, i didn't figure it mattered a whole lot.