The Line (Roger and Julie part 6)
I won't let a rabbit with big knockers, a couple of dumb basketball players, or even a busted bathroom door break that promise." he took her paws in his own. "i'm sorry, but you're stuck with me. remember? we pinkie swore."
Hidden Potential Chapter 1: Odd Beginnings
Hope you like cute couples, sex, pregnancy, and strangereal anatomy! this was already posted on furaffinity a while back, but i'm trying to get it posted everywhere else as well, since i've just completed the fourth chapter.
Kastakan Nights: Verdant Bunker Ch 1
Squeezing around his shaft, she had always been tight, but coupled with the sheer muscular nature of her body, it was all the more noticeable when she forcibly constricted her muscles around him.
Allllrighty! Here's a little oneshot that has absolutely zero plot... Enjoy the warm vibes :v (also this one's really lazy hgjgknjgddn) ## Sip! James lifted the cup to his lips as slow as he could, the purple ceramic of the mug glimmering in the...
Down around his ankles and he cusses and cusses and cusses and maybe starts crying, but at this point it's just too late, so he keeps sitting his skinny ass down on the toilet until he hears the rev of an engine, the thrum and rattle of something with a couple
The Princess and the Punk
Was one night really all it took for a life to change? It happened in the books, the movies, the fairy tales. Could it actually happen in the real world? Struggling with such thoughts, Bella, the ochre-and-cream otter, rose out of bed and padded...
Gone Fishing
Another couple of thrusts from each of them, to climax. the wolf first, letting go her throat and howling (okay, it was a pretty sound, it made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck) his release. the fox followed after.
Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt4
They were one of the couples that wasn't over-the-top high-school-romance, neither being saccharine sweet or uncontrollably lusty.
Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.3)
"they're a really warm couple, or at least patty was.
The Bond Between a Teacher and Student
It had been a couple of weeks since she and ashley had done the deed together. and during that time ashley had learned some rather....kinky fetishes on the internet. she shown to like binding and getting dominated by her teacher.
I love you....
The intentions are real But the truth is untold Patiently awaiting the lies to unfold Her heart shatters with the thought of his touch How could she let him control her this much She holds on to a memory of how it used to be. Tempted by hatred,...
The Waiting Room
Michael broke his posture and looked over at the couple. linda was breathing heavily, seemingly struggling to get air down. at the same time paul sat wide eyed the fur on the nape of his neck standing on edge.