The Real Story (Revised)
He crumpled over the sheriff's offered arm and did not, or could not, resist as he was placed in the dungeon's stockade. the fox winced as he took in the familiar sights as he heard the click of the creaky old stock lock shut.
Putting on a show...
Moving swiftly alongside him and clamping the stocks down over his neck and wrists, locking it down with ominous finality. he smiles and lazily pads round the trapped equine watching him struggled with his own stocks.
The pony and the Panther
Within a minute of reaching the stocks jackyl was now in them, still squirming helplessly. they slammed the pillory shut and jackyl watched in despair as they used another pony made padlock to seal him into it.
Unexpected Life: Chapter One
"well, you see, my work is dealing in the stock market, are you familiar with stocks?" "no, sir." "okay, well to explain it simply, large companies take part of their ownership of their company and sell it, in the form of stocks.
BX-132 Chapter 5
Do we still have the syntha-fur, we use for prosthetics in stock?" "big hacoona! i believe so, let me check...."
Gazleene's Story
The feet of the stockings are encased in bronze almost two inches thick, thinning at the top for the holes through which pirlhide strips are threaded to bind them to the stockings.
Gazleene's Story
The feet of the stockings are encased in bronze almost two inches thick, thinning at the top for the holes through which pirlhide strips are threaded to bind them to the stockings.
A Princess's Job is to Serve
Argol's mouth went a bit slack, wonderment filling him at the sight of the man's feet forcing their way into a pair of thin stockings, girl's stockings.
Cowgirl City Chapter 3- Shopping with the Herd
Grabbing a cart, i started in the grocery section and started stocking up on food.
Navigating in a Changed World - Prolog: News of a Changing World
Said a stock negotiator specialist. "many choose to keep to themselves, but some choose to 'come out of the closet', so to say, and let the world know they are how they are. this has an effect in the stocks, of course.
Anniversary Weekend-Day Two
"go on, love, get in the stocks. i want to get your punishment in and still have time for a meal later, considering how long this is going to take." his raccoon almost leaped off of the bed in his urge to get to the stocks.
The Old Ball and Chain 2
Cum ran down the back of frederick's legs, staining his stockings. the lioness came hard, grunting softly as she humped upwards, keeping her erection deep inside the moaning, feminine male.