Round Three part 2; Out of this world Duel

Our life point counters set, duel disks activated, and drew five cards. "let's duel."

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Round 3 Part 2: Out of This World Duel

Our life point counters set, duel disks activated, and drew five cards. "let's duel."

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Yu-Gi-Oh World Tour Chapter 1.5 (rewrite)

"i activate mirror force." jons trap card flipped up and a mirrior shield appeared around his magician. "no, i use seven tools of the bandit."

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A furr at Freddy's (night 2)

I heard he becomes a lot more active in the dark though, so, hey, i guess that's one more reason not to run out of power, right? i-i also want to emphasize the importance of using your door lights.


Yugioh Dark Duel Anthology: Chapter 3: A Duelist's Best Friend

So i might be able to avoid activating it if i don't attack this turn.

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Mistaken Identity I

Sam typed in the command to change it to the experimental active capture mode. he typed in the command and tapped enter on the keyboard.

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Jeremy 022; Moves With A Slide And Rhythm

By the end of the week he was completing and sending in all the written reports of their activities. they were only required to send their activities to their manager and also to a single contact in the accounting department.


Finis Viae; Terminus Viae

As systems activated on his world, vigilance confirmed as the portal closed. the gravity tethers were still active, and, directing all available power he sent it through the tethers.

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human boy to elite hero ch.8 final chapter

Shal-tablii said with a warm smile, she pulled her active camo and equips it to jacobs's pack that held his personal energy shield. "only thing u need to do in order to activate it is just think of it, and the system will activate.

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Synthetic Life: Chapter II, Revolution

Syl activated her final touch to the fantasy at that moment, the nanites tapping directly into mary's nerves.

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Sabrina & Sky: Summer Camp Part 2 By: Renatamer

.** **7:30am: "wake up call"** **8:30am: breakfast and clean up** **9:30 to 12:30: 3 activity periods** **1:00pm: lunch** **2:00pm: nap time/free time** **3:00 to 6:00: 3 more activity periods** **6:30: dinner** **7:00 to 9:00: individual cabin activities

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