Big Mac Bangs Everybody Chapter 1

I was just thinking, what a great day to hang out with everypony, because of course everypony knows that today's the day to head up to the back fields at sweet apple acres, but then i realized that everypony _didn't_ know about that, and the one pony

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MLP: FiM: Chapture 7: An Arm And A Leg

The best way for that is, well, gathering everypony involved here and protect them." said washington. everyone looked at each other in confusion. big macintosh asked "why do we need everypony here? aren't they safe in town?".

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MLP:FiM: Chapture 1: Washing into town

everypony in the room reluctantly nodded to his terms. "okay. how should i start?...well you know about 3 years ago that after i got done with schooling?" most everypony nodded except applebloom who as too young to remember.


A New Home

"because rules are there to keep everypony safe and ensure some sense of structure for everypony. i don't expect you to understand just yet but you'll grasp the concept the older you get." "will you be okay staying with the princess tonight?"

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Tales of Colt Joe Chapter 2: Problems with Ponies

. ### meanwhile in the other room,everypony is socializing but pinkie stands there confused."hmm i wonder what's wrong with him." pinkie asked to herself.she was about to go check on him,but was stopped by his mother."

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Stopping by the local restaurant he ordered a simple coffee and cucumber sandwich keeping an eye on everypony knowing that changelings can easily be spotted when their eyes glow a flash of green giving off some of their magic until his focus was broken

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Born For Loyalty Chapter 7

I have something for everypony!" then she disappeared. not walked or ran away, no she just up and disappeared. bucking magical world. a couple hours later dash was taking a break from the games and grabbed a cider bottle.

Write ALL the Clopfics - #1

Though almost everypony was asleep, she studied the town below her, and saw who was still up and at em'. she saw a light flicking on to her left. mr and mrs. cake's house. she slowed down a bit, to study.

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A Ponyville wedding

A day when everypony would see her as he did, as a beautiful, sweet mare who deserved as much love as everypony else. the next day they were at carousel boutique, and rarity was trying to measure derpy for her wedding dress.

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Predilection: Ch 17: Raeleth's Fire

Looking troubled xane looked to me, waiting until everypony else had left before speaking. "when i touched the pillar of fate i received more than one prophecy.

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Six Surprises

I wonder how you'll feel when everypony realizes your own brother is the father of your foal, applejack? i bet you won't be so  level-headed then.

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Chapter 1: Cielo's Secret Part 2

Though it took a toll on his body, he did it to keep everypony safe; including other weather control ponies. cielo could see the altar was aglow and that told him luna was up and well.

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