Tiger Wolf (pt 1)
Unfortunately the day chosen for the mission would be known throughout the continent as the day of mourning when the nation of cyre became the mournland, with countless lives perishing in but an instant.
I held her and i joined her in her mourning. we stayed out there until we both fell asleep and with the morning, there was work to be done.
Harry finds a new Master
When he got their he went to sirius's bedroom and sat on the bed and mourned the being he was going to miss the most master dobby.
Pick Your Poison
The sniffling, sobs, and wails of mourning friends, family, and lovers sounded dominantly in the den area of their home. they mourned for the recent death as they would for their own pup.
alvin and the land of giants part 1
Doug:i don't know. i'm going to the park tomorrow mourning after breakfast. alvin:cool. i'll meet you there. doug:cool. well goodnight alvin alvin:goodnight doug.
Someone to Live For
But she knew that too much empathy or kindness would only serve to remind her of how much pain her heart was in, and she didn't have time to weep or mourn. "bring me my cubs." cinnamon blew out his breath and nodded reluctantly.
Passing with Failure
She was a scientist, but for today she could not think about her work, for at that moment she was simply a mother in mourning. she had lost her son.
A Tale Of Two Horses, Act 5.
Would he mourn my passing? would he even give me a second thought? for now i just sit there, my head buried in my hands, crying for the entire world to hear.
New home (Chapter 4 of part 2 of my Yu-Gi-Oh series)
She was so stressed from her studies and training that she didn't have time to mourn jake properly. she only had the few glimpses of flamewarrior and starfire to rely on for occassional comfort.
I did mourn his passing, just as much as any other beast within these infernal walls. i had feelings too, not that they could see them. i didn't shed a tear, i didn't want to show weakness in front of those that would wish to exploit it.
Chapter 37: Revive as a Digimon.
Meanwhile in the digital world, the destinies are mourning the lost of their newest co-worker and friend. even they still mourned for al's death; they do their best to restore the village the viruses wreck. hawkmon suddenly stop moving for a moment.
Part 17 Final Battle for Dragoune
It was the start of the mourning but there was no danger, dragoune saw that braxcon was the one who was tapping. "sorry for the rude awaking, i would have screeched but did not want to wake her up."