Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 33

He held the scrap of cloth up for her to see, but she immediately shut her eyes and shook her head, rocking even faster than before. "no no no no no!" "you saw her, didn't you? where did she go?"

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Stick Together

Normally, the truck would have been scrapped, but the 42nd mech division didn't keep gideon around for nothing. if it had wheels, and some stuff that didn't, gideon could fix it.

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Marching Dawns. (XX)

Once tents were pitched and the camp set, a large banquet of a roast and good cheer was held for the soldiers, tossing scraps of the meat they did not eat at both korvi and shaol for they found it amusing and a good way to get rid of the left overs.


Night Terrors

Laying on the nightstand, along with his alarm clock and regular nighttime reading, were three items that should not have been there: a revolver, one unspent bullet, and a scrap of paper.

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Super-Furs! Chapter two: Training Begins

I have just the thing for you." shouted lenny, running behind a pile of scrap. they could hear the beat of his feet hitting the dirt and the jingling of keys, fallowed by the slamming of a car door and the reving of an engine.

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Alphas pet Ch3

I was a mess my hair was ruffed up my clothes torn, i had scrap marks on my arms from where i fell. "i'll go find you something suitable to where then will eat," he partially purred like a cat.

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Slime Knight's Plight

Though reduced to scrap, it was nothing an experienced smith couldn't fix with enough time. despite the seychore's fluid stature, she couldn't gather the coordination to restore her figure.

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Chapter 6: The Club

Leah announced for everyone to hear before pausing shortly to draw one scrap from each bucket. "ring two: felix and maya!" she announce again before she paused to remove two more scraps from the second bucket, "ring three: kyra and lori!"

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Into the empty(?) lab

The intruder was standing with all the metal scrap that lay in the corner scattered all around them, could they have been hiding under all that junk? how is that possible?

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Wolf Apple

They're not heroes, they never were, just a pack of scared dogs offering me scraps.

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Hearth Star: Supply Run

There's a big nest here, a lot of verm have made a home for themselves in the table scraps coming down from the mead hall.

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Junkyard Werewolf

Of jimmy's scrap, right," i asked. i'd missed the sign coming in, but that was the name of the company on wolfy's tag.

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