Fighters in the streets, lovers on the sheets
He quickly covered himself with a towel and went straight to his bedroom.
Brisk's and Noah's Date
It is a warm sunny evening, a posh restaurant being in clear sight in front of me. Looking inside there is a couple eating together; They are just eating their desserts. One of the people, being an aardwolf wearing a bright red dress. Opposite her sits...
It's Only August, Silly.
Tes shot up straight, landing his head between the figures breasts causing a large blush to spread across his face, "he-hey wh-what are you doing?!" the girl sighed happily, "happy to see me?
A different world
Authors notes: hey guys i know that this story has short chapters but im writing my drafts in a extremely small book so i dont want to use all of the pages so im really srry that they are as small as they are Eathans Pov I woke up and looked around...
A Mouse and her Dragon
_A Mouse and Her Dragon_ _Good Morning_ _The sun peaked over the mountain top, bathing the small town with warm morning sunlight. Just to the back right of the town was a small patch of houses, in one of them lived a dragon and a mouse. Very...
Coping (pt 2)
Jack's paw slowly moved between her breasts, making her twitch with each small pleasurable thrill that travelled along her body straight to her moistening groin. she pulled back from the kiss, surprised to find herself purring softly.
Brothel to Another World: Chapter 0
Brothel To Another World Chapter 0 By [StripedKittyScribe]( * * * * * * Nymova scrubbed at her face and groaned when she saw the corner of her little chambers start flashing. "By the pits," she...
Magical Mac's Adult Superstore 1; straight guys will do anything for some p*$$y
I'm straight!" beau protests. "let go of me!" a forceful hand grabs beau and evan both from behind and forces them apart.
23. Pick Your Berries Wisely
**"Pick Your Berries Wisely"** SMACK! That was the tenth mosquito that Suel had to swat off of him as he made his way down the dirt trail. The trees were in full bloom, spring had arrived, and with the fresh tropical air, even in Northrend, mosquitos...
It's the thought that counts
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" muttered Anthony as he walked into the mall. "Who waits until Christmas Eve to buy a gift?" His sister replied as she walked behind him, letting her big hulk of a brother push his way through the packed crowds. Answer: a moronic...
Tour Gone Wrong-Commission from Amethyst Mare
Of course, even that had riled up his female fans but they had, at least, still had the fantasy about him being straight, thinking that, even then, they had a chance with him.
Wine Coolers, Chapter 1
"Jeez, Carrots..._mfff_..." Nick stared in drunken amazement as his partner cleaned the spaces between his fingers with her tongue. He blinked, but the spectacle wouldn't clear. Judy's massive eyes were still looking up at him as her velvety pink...