D.E1 Chapter 45 The Hive Part III
** CHAPTER 45** The Hive Part III After thirteen years, the doubts were finally cleared out. The Special Ops vessel commanded by Titan had made a breathtaking finding after they finally managed to infiltrate the Hive's systems. Taking control of all...
Krystal and Chase: Reunion P4
Krystal hugged the fox and laid her head on his shoulder.
Krystal and Chase: Reunion P3
The fox said as he undid the harness, "orders?" "we are? this doesn't look like one of the strongholds i saw when i was here." fox replied. "it's one me and krystal stormed before you got here fox."
Krystal and Chase: Stone Ghost p1
But both pilots knew that this fox was a highly trained mercenary. the smaller female beside him, fast asleep with her head on the fox's shoulder, was a blue furred vixen.
Descent Ch 2 Pt 2: Investigation
The fox smirked and rolled his eyes "well we are real soldiers now and you best perform your best because i can't cover your flank and my own all at once."
Descent Ch 2 Pt 1: Recruitment
There were photographs of 4 individuals; an older looking vixen whom was dark colored and had silver and black; a silver fox. next was a male and a vulpine as well but he had general red fox markings.
The Amulet (Tyvulpine commission)
The shape put itself upright; revealing a slender form in the moonlight, the lower, four-pawed body of a fox and a long upper body with two arms.
A False Trail
But i couldn't tell him from any other vixen. the bastard even managed to show off a nice pair of tits under his blouse.i forced my cock down. "godammit bolshoi! you make a damn good lookin lady...maybe too good. you might attract unwanted attention!"
The Wrong Choice - Skye's Transformation
It had seemingly fallen into, the rabbit-fox's own lips pulling back into a return snarl.
Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 2 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)
The fox's was almost twice as big as his.
The Hope Future Holds - Gift for The Cuddling Fox
User=44704&character=0&clevel=2) the cuddling fox](https://the-cuddling-fox.sofurry.com/ "the cuddling fox"). he had been such a faithful reader and great friend, so i felt like i should do something for him for his birthday.
Yet Another Victim
Deeper and deeper... just like i'm doing with that fox dildo in your butt!"_ gregory barely registered the fox manipulated whatever the fox had shoved up his rear earlier, but it ached as much as it felt... good?