Distant Earth CYOA part 24

_Option A follow after Daisy and Qeith and spend some time waiting in the med-bay for Qerry to recover. Won by a single vote, so sorry to those hoping for some Kelo and Reese fun times._ Zack stood for a moment trying to decide what to do. His lust...

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Tricky Treat

"Come on!" Whispered Chris emphatically as the two youths snuck across the old graveyard. It was a traditional old Christian burial grounds. Many of the gravestones were intricately carved, some had statues, most were covered in ivy. It had been over a...

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Wild Times

"Listen Up," the buffalo shouted as he entered the briefing room. "We have a busy caseload this morning." Chief Bogo announced, sighing as he looked down at his sheet. After they had busted the deputy mayor and her insane plan he had expected things to...

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Heat 15

"Whose stupid idea was this?" Benny asked as his eyes darted around the room in panic, his breath getting rapid, his palms felt sweaty. He wiped them on his apron as he glanced at Dillon. The taller polar leaned back and gave a wide grin, "I do...

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New world, new family

"Hey." Paul looked up from his pad to find his tiger step-father standing in the doorway to his cabin. "Hey." "How did it go?" The tiger asked as he wandered into the small cabin, the young man had wanted his own cabin for the long trip. Which had...

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A knotty Lesson

Danny gulped and trembled a little, looking at the small illuminated building in front of him. It had been the subject of a whole load of schoolyard rumours. Ever since he was old enough to understand what sex was, he had been wondering about himself....

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Heat 17

Dale yawned and stretched as he awoke, the room was dark and for a moment he was confused, where was the sunlight? Then he remembered, he was on Polar sleeping in the childhood house of his husband. That meant the room was a good ten or more metres...

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Acceptable in the eighties

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Was all the clock could scream before a huge, meaty, blue-grey, fist landed on it. The clock took this beating with the same glee it did every weekday. For the alarm clock knew it always won, every morning at five-thirty come rain or...

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The Price of Peace

Prince Tallian groaned, his body ached from standing still for so long. The young lion's stomach was grumbling, the sun had been just peeking over the horizon when he took up his post. Now he could see it returning to the world of night. All that time...

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Wild Times, Part 2

With a whimper the tiger opened his eyes, the screaming pain in his head told him that was a bad idea. The light was so bright his eyes hurt, he felt a stabbing pain in his right paw. He tried to lift it to check, however, after moving an inch he felt...

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Silent Night

Silence, Bartholomew had never really appreciated it until it was gone. Now, the absence of sound had become a sound of its own, thunderous and yet wondrous in equal measure. The guns had stopped, and well they should it was almost the twenty-fourth of...

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It can still pick up

"We are going to be in this queue until new year!" Whined the young male bear. Karl couldn't help but smile, in his more ranty moments, Oscar reminded the husky so much of his father. What a year it had been for the two lovers. It had started on...

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