poem - Brer Fox and Sister Cotton-Tail
But the focus of our story,/ which now i will detail, was that one wily brer fox,/ and sister cotton-tail. i've bet you heard this story's/ villain was the fox. and the rabbit was the good one./ utter poppycock!
The Fox from the Box by Alpha Wolfio
The fox came out of the box he was living in. he went to the club, since he is a sub loving fox, and he had a nice footlong sausage in the back of the line.
The Eye of Aquana
Ooooh..." the fox said weakly while panting heavily with his eyes closed.
Mini Mice Meals
The fox looked around for anyone who might be watching them, then crouched down to the mouse.
Josho's Revenge
Bob looked up at the fox as if he were crazy. "excuse me?" he asked. "did i stutter?" the fox asked.
A Dear Pet (Part 1)
That'd give the fox enough time to transport her to the compound. the fox looked at the peacefully sleeping neko. she looked so innocent and sweet, her hair all strewn about and cheeks flushed a warm rosy pink.
Slagar the Master - Part 9
He rubbed his jaw against her back, feeling her body tremble in preparation to hold his weight and the fox could not stop himself from grinning wickedly over it all.
Jacks Tail: Chapter-7 Free Day
Alpha gives me a big vulpine smile before patting my head as she picks up the pad and pencil. with the writing utensils in her hand alpha stands and leaves my residential container at a casual pace.
Krystal and Chase: Hidden Threat p5
Once the sensors had picked up a friendly carrier, the vixen knew that the mission was just about over.
D.E1 Chapter 52: The Third Offense Part II
The husky and the vulpine evos rushed in directly to the main panel of the room. they were not sure of how to call in a tram, but they did their best. "this can't be!" husky yelled, smashing his fists in the control panel.
Krystal and Chase: Hidden Threat p3
The fox sighed as the elevator started to rise.
The Second Sundering: Prologue
It wasn't easy for a Templar of Emir to do their job when all they heard was the constant back and forth bickering of two of their charges. Young mages, both sixteen and both allowed to step outside the Arcane College before their time, since usually...