DnD sheet
.) | | dex dexterity | 14 | +2 | ac armor class | 18 | = | 10 | + | 4 | + | 2 | + | 2 | + | 0 | + | 0 | + | 0 | + | 0 | | con constitution | 12 | +1 | | | total | | base | | armor bonus | | shield bonus | | dex modifier | | size modifier
Wrestler's Reward
Every attempt he made at getting some extra room was foiled by the dexterous appendage or a playful wiggle of the tail's tip nearby.
Discovery - Chapter 5, Forgotten
[dexter] "prepare to die!!!" the monster barreled through the tunnel, squishing and killing a few of the waddle fish in the process. "any last words?!" "waddlefish don't like big, scary monsters!"
Distant Earth -CYOA part 1
Risks: increased sexual dominance 30% increased aggression 25% increased lusts 30% reduced intelligence 15% increased sexual submission 15% lizard- iguana cold blooded, increased resistance to heat, good agility and dexterity.
NC #8: Here I Go Again
Backwards, backwards, and now his head was off, his feet moving in slow strokes, a deliberate choice of a monkey to tease with such dexterous parts of his body.
Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Thirty Three
#33 of amber silverblood: rogue wolf dexter has tricked amber into going out in the full moon. he says it's for her own good, but does he really know what he's unleashing?
Chapter Five (Wendell)
When i signed up for the big brother big sister program and met dexter, i had no idea you thought of me like that." "i admit i was a little upset when dexter told me that when we were coming here. plus, you never told me about it."
Victim of the Molbol Virus
They grew, extending outward, becoming dexterous, inquisitive tentacles. some were tipped with more eyes, some without.
Date on a Full Moon
"fan of dexter, huh? great show." "y-you watch dexter?" vulpes squeaked, her voice strained, her cheeks flushed. "you watch tv?" allan laughed and slung an arm around her neck, tugging her closer. "of course!
Beachfront Territory
His dexterity was heavenly, a sensation i'd gladly take any day.
Buckwheat's Beginnings
How dexterous is it?" "dexterous and flexible enough to get me out of some really embarrassing self-bondage mishaps. i'd decided to try hog-tying, you see, and--" "and you can untie knots with it?" "seems like it.
Creative Unwrapping
Cody gasped as this motion ground the powerful tongue against him while squeezing him between two parts of its dexterous length.