Wrong Way(lyrics)

Worry then cause thats ok left way right way it dont matter so dont be afraid to go the wrong way * * * people are tragic but life is fantastic and its best traveled off the beaten path you can do the math its an easy task forget

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Teddy is a happy bear

"it's not as if you're going to forget your name, right?" "of course not! i... i couldn't possibly forget that..." the bear objected, although he didn't seem to be feeling completely sure. "besides, if you forget about it..." "hello! my name is teddy.

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my life (page 1)

As i look in the night sky i seem to forget about everything. i forget about how my parents bug the ever living days out of me about every little thing they could think of.

Night thoughts - 38. Because Y knot

. - because y knot for another trip, i sip easy, into the storm of an unsteady mind remembering to forget anything worth while i may find still running in place, the world passes by so fast first to see the race beginning, i somehow always end up last

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Where this Flower Blooms - Part 2

He couldn't make it hurt enough to forget about the storm brewing. gallegos could do nothing. all he could do was sit there and think about how he let ian crawl inside his exit wound.

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Their applause is genuine, for in the ecstasy of the moment they forget the consequence of what they've done to us. they forget the dead and the mutilated, they forget the lineages broken, and they forget the scar they know we carry.

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Still goin'....

Fortune beyond the horizon of my dreams, it can wait another day, my time is what it's always been important to the times it's needed, but always available beyond then for a hand held close, there isn't much needed to find a smile just remember to forget

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Fuck the Writer Story 2: Scooped off her Feet

"uh, if you want to forget something -" "idesin, you got something to say, spit it out or move on. i'm still working on the forgetting thing." "you, uh, could come to the back with me..."

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The Wolf and Demon

All that i want is to forget it all. the pain, the love, your lovely call, but demon, you will not let me be." he turned to resume his lonely stand, the pain plain for all to see, but only the demon present.

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About all the pain, forget about those that will miss, and walk alone thru the cold, dark, rain . . .

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When the Petals Fall

Open, bleed and crawl shed my tears, no voice left to call no other love could ever leave me your scars to brand my soul in misery my heart's a rose to be kept thriving on the tears i've wept every breath, a new regret a hateful love, i won't soon forget

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not sorrow but .......

Find not sorrow in dought, but if sorrow comes dought it, do not forget all that help, yet try to forget thoes who hurt, if it is you that is mad at me, find not the courage to set that anger free, i wish for it only for it to be you and me,

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