Calm Before The Storm (A1, B1, C14)
jonathan arched his brows. marcus moved closer to jonathan. "she's here with you?" "she?" jonathan furrowed his brows. "you were expecting someone?"
the start of something new: chapter 2
Dad; jonathan jonathan; yeah dad? dad; listen when you get home tell the kids i went out of town. jonathan; ok why dad?
Chapter 15 Too Tight
He dragged jonathan up by the ear and snapped for him to get dressed. jonathan scrambled to obey under the furious glare of the older male, grumbling to himself as he pulled on his shirt.
Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 9
Ander said to jonathan. the old fox nodded in return and said, "no problem. just don't tell beth i let you do any heavy lifting. that vixen scares me." "she scares me a little, too." jonathan laughed heartily. "well, you two best run along, then.
A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 8
I looked at jonathan, and he looked at me. we shared a grin. "i think that she'll find that our pokémon aren't interested in matchmaking," jonathan said easily.
Raven Wolf - Origins - Shiya - Chapter 02
jonathan takes several steps back from the fence, he looking over shiya before leaving as he had been instructed. diaz watches jonathan leave before looking back to shiya. "inside beast."
Mistrust (Alisa: 02)
jonathan continued to grow more shocked as he stepped closer to essidus. "and you want to keep her alive!?" jonathan shouted. jonathan glanced back and forth between alisa and essidus for a moment. "what the hell is going on here!?" jonathan said.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 18
"i've told my parents about jonathan. papa was a little surprised, especially when i told him that jonathan is only 28, but, he wants me to be happy so he said as long as jonathan treats me properly, he'll accept jonathan."
Clued... : CHCl3
jonathan found him there in the corner, you could see the fear in his eye's as the wolf made his way to the cat. "how did you get here?" jonathan screamed above the noise of the crowd.
Caffeine and Cuddles: Jonathan and ‘Bica #1
Much to her dismay, jonathan was already gone, however, having pulled out of the driveway to nearly peel out in the street.
If the suit fits
"jonathan is my name." "well, jonathan," thom sneered, lowering the crude club. "how do we get out of these things?" "the instructions are in the book you have," jonathan pointed out.
Chapter XV
jonathan shoved him. "we need to be serious." "let them joke around." briggs jumped in. "we don't have much to smile about now a-days." "alright." jonathan acceded. "your right." "arguing aside, we should get moving."