Once Broken Draft 1 CH 03
Alex looked through the hatch, trying to locate anyone who looked like they could be a threat. "them," tristan motioned at the crowd. "them who?"
A hatch had been blown open. he approached the capsule directly toward the open hatch, keeping his eyes and ears on it. a face appeared in the hatch. alien, green, bare skin, no ears. gralfon stopped in his tracks.
The Ryan Story Part I
If he did hatch from an egg there was no telling how long he had been in the egg before he hatched.
Bound Into Fact : The Last Dragon
The dragons were gifted with the full power of the firegods love and hatched into powerful beings of might and majesty. the first hatched was his heiness king jurad: lord of the dragons.
Eggceptional Get Aways: Kickaha
So let's take a look and see what he hatches into and what his new life is like! also! don't forget to check out trevor's half of the collaboration! he uploaded a picture where you can see kickaha in all his post hatching glory!
Eggceptional Get Aways: Erakir
"to think you could actually understand every word i say right after hatching! you must be some kind of prodigy! your father will be so proud. "abooo..." erakir face palmed.
Eggceptional Getaway: Deiser
Though i suppose at least it did hatch. still, don't think to lowly of him, your new second was just hatched." deiser had no idea what those words meant. it was probably unimportant. dreams didn't have to make sense.
Eggceptional Get Away: Leif
"it must be close to hatching!" hatching? what?" leif wasn't sure they liked the sound of that. but it was pretty clear that they were in some kind of container that someone had picked up based on what they had just said...
A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 21
She turned to look at her mate standing beside her as the hatch opened. it was the first time she fully allowed herself to use that word when she described him, even to herself.
Interview with Khyrsaraylynx [part 1]
There would have been but our mother found us after hatching...-trails off- what happened? -shrugs- i hatched first and wandered from the nest. there were 13 others.
The car crash gone furry ch.2
When we got the house peters mom opened the hatch i carried audrey to my room and went to peter "she is here should i wake her" i asked "yeah" peter answered me and peter walked over to where audrey was laying "audrey ,audrey"i said
Matheau and Beijore XX:: Scattered Thoughts
But my brothers hatched from the same egg! they are small in size from hatching from the same egg, and at first i was frightened that they would not make it through.