Advent, Chapter 7-Double Alliance?
"orders were sent immediately to destroy the human infestation, but our efforts were delayed.
Buying the Farm 3 - Military Acquisition
Even though the infested wolfess felt empty the void was soon replaced with snakes of her own, several of them bursting through her tail as a number of them pushed their way out of her orifices. "this will do."
The Origin Of Loud Eyes-Part 1
Dylan, born in the year 1998, was born into a cruel world, infested of the disease of violence, drugs, and abandonment. the young husky-dragon hybrid lived with his mother in his early years.
Failed Containment- Chapter 24: Infestation
The Golden Retriever James Miller woke as Sebastian entered the side office. "Sorry about that." the old golden retriever said to the silvery cat. "I was not expecting the Overseer to come to call." James gave a shake of his head, "Not at all, Sabby....
Infestation Chapter 2 - Beginning of the End
#2 of infestation and here is chapter 2! thanks for all the support on chapter 1, its really appreciated. this chapter didn't have as much transformation as i would have liked, but it has set up chapter 3 for alot of it, so i think its good.
Post-Infestation Curiosity: Part One
"What happened in the sewers?", Brick asks eagerly. The Arcanine smiles, his blue eyes glistening in the sunlight. A quick look-down of his body would reveal a likable body, given he was homosexual. He stood 4 feet tall, a feral on all fours, his body...
Island Map
It contains only rudimentary crafting supplies and is not a popular area for setting up a base. 8 - swamp biome, contains lots of bacteria infested water and toxic foliage.
The Search for Ka'Le (12/15)
At least a dozen druul-infested lizardmen continued to walk about the city, their multiple glowing eyes looking around as they stepped over the carcasses of those they had killed.
angry birds 2: the piggies strike back
Disabler in the war, then got the ability to explode like a bomb,i went through the worst part of the war for me was, they had giant mechs i nearly died, after the war, i went with chuck and stella to see red and the next thing i know is that this island was infested
Zombie apocalypse: chapter 4
At first it had been fun shooting at the zombies infesting the streets, but it soon became work trying to keep as many of the creatures off of the living as possible.
Venom: Stage 3
Wood and plaster exploded with the ruined door following after it, the glistening suit stomping ferociously through the hole in the wall, the black mask of the suit centering on the infested general.
The Mosquito Boy - The Law of Mosquito
This boy, with his powerful will and courage, scooped a handful of the mosquito infested puddle water and poured it into his sippy cup. the boy brought his new friends home, the larvae rejoiced.