
Retribution _Its been five years. Five year's since my traitorous rat of a brother betrayed me, betrayed our family, betrayed our father. Five fucking years, and my so called friends just stood there and fucking watched. Five years since I was...

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Prologe of the Fox

Prologe The forest is laced intimately within a thick web of shadows. Sparce and scattered pieces of sun light pierce through the the dense wall branches and leaves present in the thick canopy above, giving the rays of light the likeness of...

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The Falls - Prologue

The day was young, barely passed eleven in the morning and the sun was just nearing its apex, and already it promised to be a very hot day. The weather was quickly climbing and as noon neared a dull coloured bus just turned off the highway, into a...

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Prologue of Jailbreak Apocalypse

The year is 4013, 2000 years from now. The world is so advanced that the world of the present day is caveman times in comparison. Not only that, furries are roaming the earth. Sentient feral animals, lycanthropes, anthropomorphic creatures, etc. They...

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Redline - Prologue

So here is a prologue of the possible series, with the main character being a young tiger who was given an invite to race against the seven festival champions in a one-off race to determine the champion of the year's festival.

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The Siblings of Chaos: Prologue

The sun was shining brightly over Ponyville, casting its golden light over everything it saw. The sound of hooves on stone was in the air as the ponies went about their daily business. Some were chatting with friends, some were grabbing a bite to eat...

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Every Artist's Dream: Prologue

The prologue to my story. please comment with what you think, if you wouldn't mind. :3 it was a late september evening in new york city, and avery black was still up, working. the lights outside were bright outside his window.

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Malefor: the True Origin (reboot)

A claw burst from under the rubble as a loud gasp for air could be heard. The claw belonged to a red scaled dragon, who was struggling to pull himself out of the rubble. The best he could do was remove the debris from his upper body. Every breath was...

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Friends, Lovers, Partners ~ Prologue

Well, there's the prologue. not much, but at least it's something. as this is my first submission, and comments and criticism are welcome. vote or fave if it pleases you to do so.

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Wolf's Heart Prologue

(This is my first story any positive feedback would be appreciated. This is a flashback.) A young male wolf sits there alone in the corner of the doorway reading during recess. A much larger male fox walks up to him and kicks his book...

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Dragon Wars: Angelus Mortis

Dragon Wars: Angelus Mortis Dark clouds whirled over-head, bluish lightening split the sky in half and where it touched the ground the earth split creating massive fissures from which fire leapt out. Ash and soot fired into the air creating a...

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The White Ones

So this happens to be an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for awhile. I'm not sure if it's worth while, or if I'll ever get around to exploring it, but I thought I'd pick some brains and see what people think about it. Comments are...

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