Real Yiff

From beneath the pile of felines, canines, dragons, and assorted other furs she somehow manages to get ahold of the microphone for a moment as her little paw reaches up and waves goodbye. "thank you for coming to the pink panthress!

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Let Go for Tonight

The air growing thick and heavy with the sweet strawberry musk and lu's own tantalizing tang of blueberry and assorted others. the haze helping both moogles along, tsumi tensing first and whimpering.

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Of the Collective, Chapter 3

I took out several loans to buy the design plans, constructor microbots, mineral rights, and assorted other little things needed to build this spacecraft and i spent almost my entire share of three voyages' profits on paying back those loans."

New Beginnings part 9

Pence managed a grin, the dye in his own satchel at his side along with assorted other procured foodstuffs for him and felix who had opted to stay behind since he was not sneaky.

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Marla Chapter 7 - Music Box Dancer

**the pleasure of your company is requested for the white tie opening night performance of** **_music box dancer_** **and assorted other works of frank mills as performed by the diva marla wolf** marla nearly dropped the card in pure shock.

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467 Simple Pit Trap

assorted other tools include a small brace of knives, a folded stash of pounded dried meat and an old water-skin, all wrapped around at strategic points to increase her profile by less than an inch, even carrying everything she could possibly need.

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Masquerade Doll

assorted other trappings that pointed toward voodoo. the lighter and cigarette, in a long-stemmed holder, in their hands pointed toward vice, and that sweet scent, sandalwood and cinnamon smoke. the hyena lit up, took a long drag, then shrugged.

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A visit with Shinefeather

The scent of her heat had even the resident aarakocra bird-man males looked after her with increased interest, not to mention the couple of chimera and assorted other part-lion fliers.

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Working Stiff

Then it was restocking of bins, dispensers, and assorted other things. dean was put to work sweeping up the sidewalk first followed by the inside. after sorting out the fridges and coolers, dean was sent with some cash to get replacements.

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The Raging Hounds VIII: Unveiled Warrior

The only other notable things in the room were the ascetic bunk, a small trunk -containing some meager clothing plus assorted other items- and a small three-legged chair upon which incense containing mild doses of relaxing narcotics were slowly burning, all

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Skylands: Hypoxia and Edema

Where once there had been materials both flexible and light-weight now it was glass and brick and granite and assorted other stones. all the lights were out save for flickering oil lamps and candles.

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