My Life as a Slave 13

The total death toll is 232 five of the passengers didn't board and there are three missing. this has stricken their country as well as our own with a sense of grief. we have truly lost a few great minds today."

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The Oulander 1 1

Dread that the next time the bells will sound shall be a death toll. i think i will leave my writing now and see what i can do for mattimeo and my sister. if you are ever passing redwall, please come. we all need some cheering up.


Project Godlike: New enemies, the Arbodu

The death toll is uncertain, but some estimated that so far in only eight months over 40 billion lives have been claimed by this ruthless enemy.

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The Banished Wars - Volume Three

Within a matter of a single hour, the death toll had rose far beyond that of the previous wars. witnessing this on the other end, sky sterling had watched his academy be attacked, his friends become victims of the velmarian onslaught.

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Sneak Peek - Cerberus: Chapter 2

The current death toll stood at seven with dozens injured and several more missing. flynn was in a total state of bliss, unable to make out anything other than the beating of cerberus' heart and his rumbling words.

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The Event

News reports were talking about death tolls and numbers of humans left as well as the effects of what all the stations were calling 'the event.'

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Raiyev Part 15

What was the death toll? how many billions of dollars of property damage did he do? how many children had been left as orphans, and how many parents had had their children cruelly stolen away from them for his own sick, twisted..._pleasure_?

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"i know you have, but you can't stand there and say the death toll doesn't bother you, because you know and i know that it bothers you." 

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The Dead Among Us (Chapter 3: Just for Snickers)

We had to take a few minutes, all of us, to just to sit for a moment and think about what all we just about 1346 hours, we decided to take a death toll-- not of the undead we had put down, but of those that went down fighting.

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The Moonweaver Chronicles-Epilogue

I began to wonder just how high the death toll climbed before she, or whoever taught her, came along. the healer's job here seems to have added level of difficulty i have yet to encounter.

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The death toll was too high, and the killer still at large. now was not the time for singing. the hunt had already begun. her nose twitched from one side to the other. her ears lay flat against her skull.

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A better world part 2

An awful number of fatalities, true, but the death toll had been higher in most other places. we'd been lucky, if you want to call it that. "lucky" seems like an odd word to use, i admit.

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