Hypnotist Girlfriend [CH5 of 5]

The feeding frenzy continued much the same for a few weeks, each day involving more food than the last did. the three primates had swelled considerably since the start of the hypnosis, and seemed to be quite content with their bigger size.

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My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E15

"talk about a feeding frenzy," thought starlight. sometimes we just need some food for thought.

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Exacting Revenge

Contains: implied growth and transformation, muscular gnolls, tail first oral vore, affable supportive prey, feeding frenzy, crotchbelly, endosoma, internal belly rubs and a flustrating realization this was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my patreon

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Nuclear Holiday Pt. 1

The next day, i fully realized how bad things were in the wastes, when i came upon a feeding frenzy involving a carcass of what looked like a humanoid monster, being fed upon by a pack of smaller, wiry, dark skinned creatures who feasted like a pack of piranha

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Hearth Star: Bug Hunt

The resulting feeding frenzy was unnerving and didn't cut down the enemy's numbers anywhere nearly enough. not even five minutes on his first alien planet and pvt. jerky was already part of a position that was about to be overrun.

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A College Life Chapter 1 Part 3

"oh sorry i had to come back here to clean up the kitchen after last nights feeding frenzy." "i said i was sorry and i'll pay for any of the food i ate last night i can't control what i do in my sleep." said josh.

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9 to 5 (Vore Story)

Feeling his tight throat walls expand, feeling pat's gentle, yet arousing wiggles in his gullet, it always sent robin into a feeding frenzy.

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Sits and the Temple of Boom

The feeding frenzy took hold once again. he had never spotted the strange rune of alari design on the jar.

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Beyond the Hold: Chapter One

A frothy, mad churning of the waters as the result of the lela'kura, or lightning fish, locked in a feeding frenzy. but jakala cared not.

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Prologue.

The decks ran red with the blood of the dying, the tears and screams or distraught filed the air as bodies of the dead were thrown into the sea, attracting sharpedos from miles around to the feeding frenzy left in the wake of the vessels.

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Perennial Creeper Classifications

Hacker infection - this is the second most common type of infection, and is seen more often in battles rather than feeding frenzies like the first form is.

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A Gym Diet

The euphoria from growing larger and larger and having a near continuously distended gut driving away my own common sense, forcing me into a primal feeding frenzy.

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