Gulp Gulp Gulp
_gulp gulp gulp_ each swallow was hard, and joined by a pump into the feline-fox hybrid's orifices, specifically his navel and his rear.
Big Gulp
And then, with a big gulp, skalavis was sent on a one-way trip to the dragon's stomach.
Gulped Down
For simon, being gulped down his lover's throat, would forever remain the most erotic thing in the world to him.
Gulping Gryphons
Shale gulped. "i...i'm just trying to find my way out of the swamp...sir." he offered, gesturing fruitlessly with his paws at his situation. "perhaps...if you'd be so kind, you could help me out of this mud. i...i'll be on my way..."
Gulp The Mic
When his long-time bully jack desperately begs his help with something, he has no idea what lies in store for him~ gulp the mic tsumi moogle '18 characters © themselves. he hadn't been sure what to expect from the tiger's plea.
Gulp by Proxy
Adama slumped back in his desk chair, idly fidgeting with his tie with the tip of one claw. The rose-colored lion had just finished all his tasks that he had for the day and it wasn't even an hour since he got off his lunch break. All he could do was...
Gulping A Dog Demon
Smirking to himself the small demon shifted over to it and sipped on the flavored water, gulping it down and splashing inuyasha with the warm juices.
Enigma's Ride
The heat and pressure it took was tremendous, but i was helpless in my afterglow, deep gulps, glutinous slime slicking my black fur, they were background to me.
Five Gulps and it's Game Over
gulp. bonk! gulp. bonk! after a short time, berserker wished he'd get to the koopa's stomach so his torment would end. thankfully, it was. the hammer bro swung down one last time, but harder.
Gulp by Proxy - [Patreon Preview]
"Hey, Dama?" Adama's round ears perked up from amongst his mane at the sound of his boyfriend's voice. "Yeah?" "Could you c'mere?" The bat's light but slightly fried voice drifted down the hall again. "I have something to show you before you...
Internal Study
Internal Study By ilbv and Niverian77 File of his location, sadly there was no response...he was on some lost planet, though beautiful, the trees themselves were much larger than those on Earth. He then, (with his curiosity overtaking his fear)...
Abducted by 'The Dino's': chapter 2 A New Bounty
The next day. Terrance was lying in his quarters bored out of his mind, he had been waiting for his brothers for hours and he hadn't heard a word from them. Terrance sighed and decided to walk around the many corridors of the ship to give him...