Horny boy (part 3)

I hope you like it. 10/12/2012 first of all, i thank those who have read the previous parts of my "adventure". now i write the third part.

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Star Fox: The Unexpected Mission, Chapter 8: Tales of the Reptile ones.

"home sweet home...all my adventures started in this junk yard. it's like a secret haven to me now. wow...like the new look too. it goes perfect with our whole pirate operation."

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Ayasha's Adventure - Chapter one - The Reservation

I smiled and took my place on a small stump and began to tell a story... no, not a story but a memory about my adventure to a mysterious world where dreams and reality collide. a place called arboreal.

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Blood and Coffee-Chapter 2

I opened one eye and looked down to survey my adventurous phalanges. nope, nothing. the sun felt overly warm, a bit unpleasant and unwelcome but offered me no grievous bodily harm. "huh..bizarre."


Horny boy (part 7)

This is the final part of my "adventure". the experiment is try to have a wet dream with mowgli. read and comment. thank you. 04/01/2013 special anniversary. anniversary of what?

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My First Time (English Translation)

my adventure was just beginning , in the hoenn region , in a small community that was not in the map , the small houses were together and i was ready to leave at the age of 15.

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Tik Tik's Taxing Adventure 9

I live out my adventure all day, every day! i can just be me when i want and how i want. the greatest nightmare is living a mundane life where i can't be who i am." "how poetic." he chuckles, shrugging.

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No one's really been able to figure it out even the advanced research abilities of technology... 4) i'm not at the end of my adventure yet...i've had time to sit back and rest and thought i'd chronicle everything now in case something happens.

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Start for a trainer ch 3

I'm not sure what to do but i guess i'll continue my adventure with him. soon i was out the woods and lucario and shinx were waiting "ok lets go" lucario says with a grin on his face. i was still a little worried about what happpened.

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Me and my pal Serefina pt.1

Then after that i will start helping her learn fire attacks then we will set out for a adventure when i'm 10 because that when i'm allowed legally to start my adventure.

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Horny boy (part 11)

Now i'm here to tell you about my adventure. i only slept a couple of hours, and i feel weird. i hope you enjoyed this part. i also hope to read your comments. i beg you, i want to read looooooooong comments.

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This is the first chapter of my story hey, this is the beginning of my adventures. it has m/m, and soft growth hope you enjoy it. prelude aster wakes up and finds himself strapped to a chair.
