frist test a dead world chapter two

Tyron shakes his head as he knows there nothing in the dark, but the sounds and the darkness can play tricks on your mind.

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Poetry's Easy and Prose is Powerful: Srsly (My heart was 3)

.** poetry is an artform that is essentially about playing tricks with prose for a beautiful effect. the reason i bring it up is because it highlights something very interesting. people think they know how to write poetry.

Human Error: Down in a Hole

I once found a hole that had corpses scattered all about, all bones though, but the blood painted across the walls in weir- a disturbance in the usual background hum, it was gone, but ears don't play tricks. i listened a moment.

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A Night to Remember

Her eyes played tricks on her, detecting shadows that weren't there. her big ears were still reliable, though, and they told her that something was behind her. for a while, she carried on, as if she didn't hear anything at all.

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The Duck Quacks Twice (teaser) - Will of the Alpha 3

The lone street lamp played tricks in the wispy evening fog. no sounds of life echoed through the street, only the rain had my back. i glanced at the large house window but the drawn curtains blocked my view of any movement inside.

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Anthera Chapter 1 "Gerald"

"it was probably just her mind playing tricks, you know how crazy she can be. she claimed one time that a orange ate her cat." it was true, that woman was kind of crazy at times.

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Survival - Chapter Three - Habits

After another minute of silence, she decided that her mind was just playing tricks on her and continued undressing. her fingers nimbly unclasped her bra and she let it drop to the floor, exposing her soft breasts.

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Bescaled - Chapter 2: Of Mice and Snake Men

Maybe i was imagining things and my mind is playing tricks. i took a deep breathe and got ready for bed. tomorrow is the first day of school and my birthday. "happy birthday, boy!" i heard. something cold and slimy was on me.



I still feel the most euphoric satisfaction sometimes, when my mind plays tricks on me, and i am flung into an ulterior realm, sporting a wagging tail, and shreds of human clothing--mere vestiges of my man-soul left, awaiting eagerly my full rebirth into that


Jenny & Linz

Or was it just linz's mind playing tricks on her? she shook her head a few times managing to remove herself from her thoughts only to see jenny slip off her bra revealing her perfect c cup breasts and hard nipples.

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CJ's Got Fleas

For a moment he thought his mind was playing tricks on him, but as the beaver next to him continued to scratch, there it happened again. something small and brown, hopping along cj's body. flick was sure of what he saw this time and acted immediately.

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tricks on me(man i need to get more sleep) so after that i told my friends i was sleepy and i would just walk back to my apartment and get some much need sleep .they all said there good byes and i hope no one had notice me acting weird did not want any one

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