Zy Zy University Chapter 5
Bryant looked at her "something that really shouldn't have happened but don't worry about it we should be fine" elizabeth and julia were sent to the front office arceus looked at them "your little tornado caused property damage you
Black Petals: Chapter 2 ~ Reality Check
All too often, he has found himself having to exercise restraint in order to prevent civilian casualties and lessen property damage. at times, it could be incredibly frustrating to handicap himself as such. this was one of those times.
DC Criminal Profile: Berserker
Itsuo takahara's rampage resulted in the deaths of fifteen individuals and over three million dollars of property damage.
Zy Zy University Chapter 6
Bryant shook his head "nevermind we can't miss class" they got into their classes "first school property damage now late to class you should have gotten detention you two" julia ignored her and elizabeth was too busy thinking about something.
Not Quite Calorie-Free
Not because of the possible threat that she might burst, but more on the side of possible property damage.
Vixens Chapter 3: Into the Fray
No individuals were killed but there are reports of massive property damage, several security persons and one bar tender hospitalized and several others with lesser injuries.
Second Chances [TSR]
His arms swelled up immensely, more than tripling their size in a matter of seconds as the amount of heft given in order to achieve that was a drop in the hat for the other digimon considering that he'd likely cause an insane amount of property damage
Ch 13 - Never Forget the Ones You Love
damage, environmental damage or lawsuit.
Raiyev Part 15
How many billions of dollars of property damage did he do? how many children had been left as orphans, and how many parents had had their children cruelly stolen away from them for his own sick, twisted..._pleasure_?
Second Chances
'do no harm and protect the innocent' had been his mottos but he realized the property damages were indeed 'doing harm' so he needed to rethink his attitude and methods.
A Large Issue - Thursday Prompt Story [#12, 23/3/23]
property damage was no concern -- he had inherited these lands from his late father, and the cabin was a joint project constructed by him and lars in their spare time.
Wolfed (Vore Story)
Wolf was causing a bit more property damage than he perhaps would have liked in this moment, the process of dragging himself into this dimension requiring quite a bit more elbow grease than he had surmised.