PokeNNN - Round 6
Where will all that cum that released the alakazam have gone? it will never be known.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 3
The alakazam looked down at his grandfather, and his eyes began to glow as he weakly reached up a hand towards chris. he walked up to the pokemon and let alakazam's hand touch him, suddenly causing him to lose some control of his body.
Forest of Illusion
For a moment, it looked like the alakazam was just kidding, but a deviant's grin lit up his face and bright purple flashed before jan's vision... and all was dark. \*\*\* the alakazam smiled to himself as he
A mewtwo Story Chapter 2
It was an alakazam. the pokémon approached the table and looked at mewtwo. mewtwo got visions in his head coming from the alakazam. it was showing mewtwo how to eat. alakazam also wanted to share.
Doomed Detective
The alakazam's hand felt better than any other he'd ever felt before. but how? the alakazam wasn't really doing anything all that special. maybe if he just pushed his ass back a little more...
Our Power
With that, katherine released the attack, the colorful tornado twisting and speeding towards the alakazam like a javelin thrown from a giant. "alakazam, reflect, full power!"
Lost Pokemon Episodes 18: seeking the last badge
alakazam barely dodges the attack. the fire grazes alakazam and leaves a burn. alakazam focuses his attack and unleashes a psyshock. the attack hits with strong physical force against miles, knocking the wind out of him. "that actually hurt!"
Ninetales vs Team A.C.T
The vixen tilted her head up, her tails curling to guide the alakazam off the ground and into the air before slowly "it would appear you are outmatched, alakazam."
The Other Side Ch 2
The alakazam waited for him to make his decision, but when one was not forthcoming, alakazam decided to simply begin exploring the mind in question.
The bar chap3
._ the alakazam retorted. "hardly anyone has gone down corridor number two, so there should be some free rooms there. happy now?" the guy named dave said arrogantly, resulting in a sharp glare from me as i walked away with the alakazam.
Nurse joy in the forest
"ow, that hurt, you bitch" the alakazam says as she smacks me.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Saffron City
Scyther charged towards alakazam, sabrina, however remained calm and gave her own counterattack. "alakazam shadow ball once more, at full power!" alakazam made a much larger shadow ball, the biggest i'd ever seen.