The Witch Doctor - teaser
#3 of teasers i have a story in trick or treat, a hallowe'en anthology edited by ianus j. wolf and available for preorder now from rabbit valley.
Crimson on Copper - Excerpt from Inhuman Acts
Inhuman acts, a noir-themed furry anthology, will be launched at rainfurrest later this month. it's a fantastic collection of noir stories by some very good authors, and very worth the read if you're into detective stories!
Making a Vorno (Anthology Preview
For more details on the anthology see: "and we're on in 10, 9, 8..."
Gods with Fur Sample - Yesterday's Trickster
After popular vote from twitter, i'm posting a sample of my gods with fur anthology story, "yesterday's trickster." this anthology will be released at anthrocon 2016 in just a day, so if you are at the con, be sure to check the book out.
Excerpt: Sighs for the Labyrinth - Dungeon Grind Anthology
The ample teaser below is from the story "sighs for the labyrith" one of many tantalizing, monstrous romps in the dungeon grind anthology.
An Eevee does what!?
A little coda to the eevee walks into a bar anthology, written on something of a whim. i hope you like it <3 don't forget to read all the other stories in the anthology!click here for more info! café plaisir links are you a café plaisir fan?
Bindi 1-4
This story is written in to expand on cold brew within tales of hayven celestia anthology from rickgriffin and gre7g luterman ( expect to see two of my stories in the anthology, "how to die in krakun space" and "cold brew."
Story Segment -- Impossible Things
Published in the anthology "children of the moon," the story is available in full at in print and e-book editions. the full story would be rated adult for violence; this segment is suitable for general audiences.
Survival of the Fittest (Preview)
Excerpt from a story i wrote for thurston howl publications' "howloween ii" anthology. this is an erotic horror story, as are the rest of the stories in the anthology.
Story 1: The Locker Room
#1 of pure smut anthology so-- the first thing my regular readers will notice is that this is the first story in an anthology that goes a little outside the normal boundaries of how i tell stories-- namely, it is pretty much head-on, full-blown, no-holes-barred
Wreckage: Pawradisio Entry
Since it's been so long at this point i've decided to finally share this story now since it doesn't look like that anthology is actually happening at this point.
Taboo Preview: The Rising of the Moon Over the Atlantic
I have been meaning to get my preview for the taboo anthology out there, before fwa, and here it is! this wonderful anthology will be available this weekend, and can be preordered right now.