From Heaven, or Near It: Part 8 (Book 3)

BOOK THREE In the morning very little had changed. He was miserable and she must have been too. A day was spent doing little things. Walking and drinking coffee and breathing. After dinner came dessert and after dessert came cards; after cards came...

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 7 (Book 2)

From the hallway, the dorm room sounded quiet, so Jeff opened the door. The light was on and so was the TV but it had been muted. He found Oliver in bed, the fox taking quick shallow breaths, twisted together with... a wolf? Looked like it. Sure did....

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 6 (Book 2)

"Which do you prefer. Final Fantasy or Phantasy Star?" "Ugh. What kind of question is that?" Oliver grimaced. "A legitimate one." "The Elder Scrolls." "That's not what I asked." "But it's what I answered." "Fine," Rian fell onto the couch,...

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 5 (Book 2)

BOOK TWO Oliver looked himself up and down in the mirror. His hair was smooth, combed, fur groomed to perfection. His teeth were white, brushed, breath fresh and clean. He'd tried eye drops but they were still red. So be it. "Are you ready?" He...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 9

Chapter 9: A Cruel Trick That Nashil loved her, Valdigt knew. It had been apparent from almost the first moment they met, and though that had been only a few weeks ago, the days they'd spent together were joyous. Passion came swiftly - so swiftly they...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 8

Chapter 8: The Immortals The River of Ash is the longest river in the Northern Kingdoms. It originates in the Lake of the Moon, which itself is located in the mountains along the Rim of the World, less than a hundred leagues Northeast of Hollow. The...

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 4 (Book 1)

Jeff opened the door, looked at the bed in the corner, and shook his head. How could it be that she was always here? And did they do anything else? The tails poking out from under the blanket writhed and wrapped around each other, the shapeless sheet...

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 3 (Book 1)

Oliver wasn't entirely sure how he was supposed to act. He watched the people around him, faces all a blur, the world spinning around him. It was always this way when he didn't recognize his surroundings. And now, with the ocean roaring ahead of him,...

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 2 (Book 1)

BOOK ONE It was a Sunday morning. Winter was coming up and it would have little effect on the San Diego weather. But the early mornings would be darker, and darker it was. When Oliver awoke it was in Rian's arms. He couldn't have imagined any...

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 1 (Book 4)

BOOK FOUR The airplane landed in the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and they were scheduled to fly again in an hour. The next plane would land in McGhee Tyson in Knoxville. It seemed like they'd already waited hours, but nothing changed,...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Prologue - A Fox's Tale

**Prologue: A Fox's Tale** The feeling of being watched began at the door. Inside, walls echoed with the quiet clamor of evening, and smoke wound its hazy way between rafters. It was a cozy inn, that much was undeniable; Gryning's denizens always...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Order in Gryning The little brown wolf, Irda, was bound by an endless series of routines, that wound him like clockwork in the morning and set him running till night. There was little in this world that Irda felt he could not do, so...

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