in a wolf's body: chpt 16: i will never leave you

I will never leave you. "hmm? CAESAR!" Arctic suddenly jumped up and licked my face "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" "right here next to you?" "you've been gone for hours!" "have I? But... but I fell asleep with you... I just woke up!" her anger...

in a wolf's body: chpt 15: Caesar's other side

Caesar's other side "Caesar!" who's shouting? It doesn't sound like anyone I know yet it's so bloody familiar "CAESAR YOU BASTARD!" I looked around "behind you, you cunt" I whimpered as I felt someone mount me "w..what are you doing?" the voice...

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in a wolf's body: chpt 14: your pleasure brings me pleasure

Your pleasure brings me pleasure I followed Arctic to the kennel, a huge grin spread across my muzzle. "so Caesar... you want to watch me put this dildo in me?" "yep!" "DAD!" I sighed in disappointment "yes?" Autumn stuck her head through the door...

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in a wolf's body: chpt 13: Alexi and Morgan's adventure in homosexuality

WARNING// THIS CHAPTER HAS TWO PUPS GETTING IT ON. IF THIS OFFENDS YOU, DON'T READ IT DIPSHIT Alexi and Morgan's adventure in homosexuality "what the fuck?" i exclaimed as I watched Alexi hump his brother in shock. Arctic looked at me "Caesar what's...

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in a wolf's body: chpt 12: Alexi's choice

Alexi's choice Arctic grinned "I know you can't... but your going to have to aren't you?" "yeah" I yawned "wow, that was a big yawn" "yeah, I'm really tired, could you look after the pups whilst I sleep for a while?" "sure Caesar, have a nice long...

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in a wolf's body: chpt 11: vagabond

Vagabond I sit there on the corner of marks and Spencers waiting patiently for my mistress to come find me. I saw her walking through town with Jessica but they don't notice me. I sat back down again and whimpered disappointedly. Time passes and my...

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in a wolf's body: chpt 10: visitor

Visitor I was awoken by Jessica's mum shaking me "wake up. You've got to look presentable" presentable? I looked up at her with a look of confusion "my sister is coming over for a few days and I want you to look your best. Once again you have over...

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in a wolf's body: chpt 9: a beautiful dream

A beautiful dream I ran and played with Arctic and our four pups for hours on end "that was fun Caesar. I'm glad the pups have such a great father... but now it's time to wake up" I looked at Arctic, I was confused "wake up Caesar" "what?" "you...

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in a wolf's body: chpt 8: fixed

more non yiff. only says M/f as i have to rate this adult for castration. and adult requires a gender thing Fixed I woke up, I couldn't remember were I was... I was on a table, there was loads of medical stuff... oh... this is Michael's vet...

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in a wolf's body: chpt 7: bathtime

no yiffiness. just having a bath and getting a stiffly whilst being washed by a butler. and about to get neutered Bath time "shit!" I cried "busted" Arctic muttered. I was about to try to explain to Tony Jeeves when I remembered that for some reason...

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in a wolf's body: chpt 6: the truth

The truth I awoke to the sight of Arctic staring at me "good morning" she continued to stare at me without saying anything "have I said something that offend you?" she started to whimper. "no. you haven't. I have" I was really confused, Arctic...


in a wolf's body: chpt 5: home

hey, i'd just like to say that there is no M/F (sofurry needs gender tags for anything adult up) and one of the characters takes a shit and i think that's extreme. Home. we had leashes put on our collars before we were led outside to our new owner's...

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