Dragon's Paladin: Epilogue

Epilogue Skywing walked along the smooth wooden deck of the mightiest ship in Lumara, theIndomitous. It was the same ship that the famous dragon slayer, Arcturus Lund, had set out on to hunt the red dragon that the gryphon found himself perusing as...

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Dragon's Paladin: Prologue

**Prologue** ** ** Skywing flapped his broad wings against the cold night air that drifted all around him. The snow colored, black striped gryphon angled his wings as his keen...

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Dragon's Paladin: Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Royal Pain Lyndis was savagely thrown to the ground, crashing with a flash of pain in the cold snow. It had happened so fast; fast enough that she could not even...

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Dragon's Paladin: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: A Dragon's Day Two years had passed over Lumara, although those who did not inhabit a city or found themselves breaching Lumara's lands during times of strife would not have noticed the time pass by. The country kept expanding, and...

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One Last Gift

One Last Gift Those upon the Isle of Draconis partied into the night, getting drunk on ales of the finest age and dining upon delectable just as exquisite. The beaches seemed to rock with the delightful chirping songs of gryphons, joined by dragons...

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Gilded Cage: Chapter 28 +29

Chapter 28 For a week, Olas played the events of what transpired in his mind again and again, tormenting himself, haunting every waking moment. Everyday tasks were practically impossible without drifting back to his unconscious love, resting...

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Gilded Cage: Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Ever since the sun had climbed above the treeline, casting the warm glow of it's golden, ethereal rays upon Chios, the air buzzed with the excitement that was to come. Young and old went passing by, on two legs, four legs or wings. Every...

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Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 29

Chapter 29 There was no way they could fight him now, not in this condition. Lyndis' heart thundered in her chest, their worst fears now sitting right beyond that door. As the others stood there, shocked beyond belief, it was the adventurer...

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