The Volantis Corps-Ch1

"just where do you think you're going, darkclaw and kraut?" "that's literally above your pay grade, sir. all we can tell you is we've been given a mission by bigboss, sir.

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Light's Caress (Night part two)

He is our only lead on what is going on, and not darkclaw because we cannot trust her yet. we should go together just in case we run into trouble."

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The Principal

"hello, professor darkclaw's phone, this is he." i said into the microphone. "professor, i have your children outside in my waiting room. i've just had some words with them. the two cubs were just fighting in the middle of class.

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Lykos-Redemption Appendix i: The Brothers Dead or Alive? Who do they follow

Coulter darkclaw ** melaeneus** **demeas** orestheus thesprotos helix peuketios kaukon mekisteus makareus makednos horos polikhos akontes euaimon ankyor arkhebates karteron aigaion pallas eumon kanethos prothoos linos korethon

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Antecedent 6

But no one goes near it because of the darkclaws." "darkclaws? that sounds fun," raindrop said with a shake of her head. "we'll help," sentinel offered instantly. "oh you will, you will?!" wisp enthused, bouncing in place excitedly.

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Warlord's Comforts - Oneshot

# The Warlord's Comforts ## A Redwall Oneshot with Cluny and Shadow There were rumours of a place in the south, a fortress ruled by peaceful mice with treasures unbound and it made a very tempting target for warlords ever hungry for more and...

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Lykos Redemption Act IV Ch. 2

. ~~~~~~~ **lykos redemption** **\\\\\\\**** \\\\\\\act iv/////** ch 2: eulogy of the damned coulter darkclaw "brothers...sisters...zeus has yet again slighted us. he has shown what sort of deity he is and we shall not answer to him.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 25

It's just making more rabbits to go to war, but no one knows when, not even darkclaw-rah." bracken nodded as he moved to fix another part of the run ceiling.


Nalin's Christmas

This year the theme was the recent war actors and actresses with stage props danced telling the story of talon darkclaw exiling his mother and the murder of his father.

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Lykos-Redemption Act III Ch. 1

**lykos-redemption** **\\\\\**** \\\\\act iii//////////** ch. 1: la espada coulter darkclaw "it has been a year, dear brothers. a year since i slew the hero, perseus. it has been a year since demeas left us.

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Intro to Genesis Revelations

"it is all well darkclaw, i have arranged for increased patrols while i am gone.", she calmly replied. at this she jumped down from the stump and announced in a clear voice, "you may all return to your dens, this meeting is over.".
