Behind Yellow Eyes: Chapter 5

But he was always able to scent the dishonesty, and the despair that went along with it. it's easy to tell when slaves are only telling you what they think you want to hear.

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Character Reference Sheet: Vincent

- temperamental: vince is easily angered or saddened, as he has such a deep look on people, and finds dishonesty to be repulsive.


Identity: Chapter Forty-Six

Suddenly they had a connection, if a loose one, between the ring - something found at a crime scene - and johnson, as well as a possible history of dishonesty on part of the senator. he found himself smiling in the 'ah-ha" moment of discovering a clue.

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Not so Little Little Red Riding Hood Pt 1

Seeing how she could not sense a dishonesty in his voice she eased up. of course that someone that knows her grandmother would be a nice person right? "oh i see." she said padding past him to place the basket into the kitchen.


Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 10

Andrew hesitated, and sarah could practically feel those eyes gliding over her face, searching for any signs of dishonesty.

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Adira Clawhauser Chapter 17

She always hated dishonesty, but now he had no choice. 'i have to try.' adira would forgive him. it's all for ben. 'thank you.' the lion patted his shoulder lightly and stood up, 'i'm going downstairs to the armory for your new uniform.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 10

Andrew hesitated, and sarah could practically feel those eyes gliding over her face, searching for any signs of dishonesty.

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The Three Thousand Heroes

But if we break it, then we are as villainous as the invaders for our dishonesty. but through my research, i have discovered a way for certain members of this kingdom to fight, in spite of the contract.

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Sevlow's Coup D'etat: Segment of my book "Planes"

Sevlow loosened his grip when he saw no signs of dishonesty on the man's face. he knew there was something he didn't reveal, but also knew that the man was truthful about not wanting to hurt them.

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A princely apology (prologue)

"Absolutely NOT!" bellowed the elder, Olivian's father. "You offended their cheif, betrayed my good will and sullied our hospitality. You will not get ou-" "He provoked me on purpose! How can you be so blind to that?" interrupted the lion prince....

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Shahira was searching for any hints of deceit or dishonesty. she determined they were telling the truth. "i'll be off then. " as she left, she thought about what it must be like for them.

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Five)

Knowing that the old rhino appreciates sincerity and hates dishonesty or side-stepping of the issue; i take the direct approach "mr. thompson, apologies, i, we should have known better than to bring our... romance, onto school grounds."

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