Sharpteeth Rally Up
ichy asked, gasping a little. "i am here to tell you that we are preparing for attack." ichy flopped onto his back. "but you told us that yesterday..." "but this time it's now!" chomper barked ferociously, startling ichy and dil.
The Consequences
Perched on her head was ichy, who was licking his beak. he hopped onto dil's nose as the crocodile snarled and blew air from her nose. ichy pointed at the cornered flyer. "i wanted to have a meal with that petrie guy..."
Escape Fortress Valley
When they reached their destination, ichy and dil were tossed at chomper's feet. they screamed, and backed off. ichy tried to fly away, but the blue horned sharptooth snatched him out of the sky and tossed him back to the ground.
King of Monsters: Zilla's Revenge
With a remorseful growl, he unfastened his jaws from ichi's neck, tending to the marks left by his teeth with his tongue. although ichi's response was a cold, bitter hiss, zilla paid him no mind.
King of Monsters: Zilla's Revenge
With a remorseful growl, he unfastened his jaws from ichi's neck, tending to the marks left by his teeth with his tongue. although ichi's response was a cold, bitter hiss, zilla paid him no mind.
Plan in Motion
From behind ran dil, ichy riding on her back. beside them was loc, who was holding a knocked out gorjak. "we captured gorjak fo-hey! what's he doing here!" ichy demanded, pointing a finger at the dracovol.
A Traitor of Reluctance
She and ichy were clearly older. dil had lost some of her teeth, and was slower than before. ichy's black feathers were now gray. "i still want a piece of him." she eyed the flying creature pinned down by ichy.
King of Monsters: Ghidorah's Cunning
Much as he tried to contain his faltering strength, ichi hardly mounted more than a few more thrusts before his resilience broke.
King of Monsters: Ghidorah's Cunning
Much as he tried to contain his faltering strength, ichi hardly mounted more than a few more thrusts before his resilience broke.
A Vorry Merry Christmas Party - Prologue
"what's up, ichi?"
Confrontation in the Cave
ichy!" he shouted. "yes?" they asked, walking cautiously towards their leader. "keep an eye out for intruders." the bellydragger and sharpbeak nodded once and they went over to the cave entrance.
Beast Revealing
She winced as ichy and gorjak made their crash landing...right on top of gasher. "...meal..." "get of..." gasher grumbled, pushing the bird and flyer off of his back. "b-best two of th-three..." ichy muttered before falling onto the hard ground.