Balls Of Yarn

Cats never could resist the allure of a ball of yarn. Something about the stringy, soft, and moving properties which the little strands of thread possessed made it irresistible to them. More often than not they would use the things as a play toy of...

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Tales of the Thief King 3 : Getting Used to Things

Ch 3: Getting used to things. Ishon's POV I actually managed to sleep, but I woke up stiff and cold. I felt that Master was punishing me a little too strongly for what I did, but I realize what I think is not important anymore. Honestly though, I...

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Full Service

Turning her attention back to herself, the lapine looked up at the three screens she had in front of her vision, resting where she could see them over the horizon of her bloated cheeks and her own, immobilizing stomach.

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Sasuke grunted heavily as he felt the fat around him shift. He had been eating his third lunch of the day, greedily sucking down full chickens as though they were the paltry nuggets that satisfied the less rotund citizens of the town in which he...

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The Abundance of Celestial

At least now she knew what it was like to be completely immobilized by her fat body, so that was one benefit.

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Capacity Test

immobilized by the five metal limbs from the table, ian was forced to just sit and whimper as he was incapable of doing anything else to protect himself.

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Fostering Talent

Debian just felt too small. At nearly seven feet tall and nearly a half-ton in weight, the thylacine was anything but; most door frames quaked and splintered at the mere thought of his size. Something about that size wasn't quite enough for him,...

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A Sweet Detour

The strong tropical sun showed brightly overhead, beating narrow shadows into the baked earth. The air shimmered with heat, and the entire resort seemed to sag with half-melted exhaustion. Still, the harsh weather did little to deter the adamant...

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He eyed the immobilized, stuffed hog of a wolfdragon with a certain look in his eyes that always made sasuke squirm, and gave away another part of their friendship that they both enjoyed. "i was, yeah...

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Both chairs that the immense blue rump above them rested on groaned in protest. The tail which stuck out between them flopped lethargically from side to side as its owner gorged himself silly on a feast fit for twenty right in front of him. His grey...

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_Author's Note: Started this in IM story thing, much like Quickie, as something for Lobo to get himself off to. I never finished it in IM, and as such worked on it in-blog till I got it done... Which was giving it an ending I do not entirely like...

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His form had bloated out to render him immobile as well in such a short time, going from comparatively svelte to bloated with more blubber than some small whales.

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