Friends In a Better, Braver Lifetime
Another reflective poem, this time on potential or lost friendships, memories and just moving forward. this was just a mood i was feeling at the time, not about anything really specific. originally posted this in november 2021.
Lost In The Dark
#1 of reflections as i feel lost and unsure, not knowing what to do and my shadows take over, i write. i try to understand. i try to allow and let go. i am tired. but i will not give up. i woke with a start and found my gaze completely empty.
Fur real...
The world round the look of doubt they have, what they never realize is deafening to see with no sound i've noticed a sad lacking of such reasoning among friends i call fellow furs the fandom has at times, too much for me to stomach in crystal clear reflections
Confliction... The trigger pulled, the body lay where life once stood Evil actions gave peace to a being anything but good Hands shivered as eyes met with shocking relief Now to those only known by the bleeding would grief One life for another To...
Broken, Beaten, Standing
You think you're invincible. You hide behind your makeup, your tramp clothes, your fake friends. You are nothing, you stand for nothing, you live for nothing. You don't fight your own battles, you cower behind those who you think like you. If you...
How much hurt can a broken heart take? I really don't know I've never made a mistake. Our love for each other was so very strong, it covered distances from short to long. On my mind are the plans that we made, now vaporized as though hit...
The detective turned his head to look at his reflection in the one-way mirror on the near wall.
Dust swirled in the wind. It spun around, carrying a dry root ball across the sandy landscape. The sand was incredibly dry and formed beautiful shapes. But with the wind picking up slightly, the area would turn deadly. Every dinosaur knows that sand is...
Into her own reflection she stared yearning for one whose reflection she shared and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared because the one with which she was paired was the one whose memories she shared!
"i'm just a reflection. reflections don't have brains, they have big empty heads so their masters can think for them." "i'm just a reflection. reflections don't have brains, they have big empty heads so their masters can think for them."
The reflection of moonlight on water was a majestic almost hypnotic sight, thought jake.
Starfox: liberation chapter 3: reflections alaric gave a good look as he walked into the ship he would be spending the next few months in. it was a asimov heavy freighter, they were incredibly hardy ships.