Hot Tub Heist 2: The Cousining
As a cool breeze picked up and draped over the serval, he let himself drift off into another catnap, yawning and stretching in the creaky lawn chair. the serval stirred and found himself waking up under a dark shadow.
Flying High
Natalia moaned and shifted herself to make the serval's job easier, her tail swishing and purring becoming louder, vibrating against the serval who continued her duties.
Ladies Night
The otter grinned, and when eliza looked back round to the serval, she was grinning too.
The Tail End of the Night
The serval sighed as he reached down, his paw stroking the cub's hair.
Pay the Bills #6: I Don’t Mind the Taste
"right," gabe opened his menu and glared over it at the serval, "i'm sure you didn't enjoy it at all."
Beyond the Veil
The serval shook her head to clear her thoughts once more and grabbed the mixing bowl before climbing up next to him. her fingers dipped into the paste, the serval leaning in some and resting a hand to his stomach.
Sweetening the Deal - Part 7
He looked over and saw the owner, a serval, was standing behind the register. he was the one who had caught troy in the act, and was not happy to see him again. "the fuck do you want?" barked the serval. "you come to apologize."
Lloyd's Belt ~ Chapter 1: How It Began
That little serval he adopted was special, and he was the only one who knew.
Lloyd's Belt ~ Chapter 2: To Each Their Own
The serval didn't want to explain, but it felt good to vent every once and awhile.
Hypnovember 2023 - Day 6: Medieval (Claimed by Moose)
The serval was more of a storyteller, an entertainer. sometimes kurt had acted as an adviser as well, filling the roll of his long deceased wife, but the serval had never overstepped his role.
Luxiana and the college boys
The serval replied then let us satisfy this queen..
Getting Out In Nature
Amanda said, the serval leaning on an improvised walking stick.