Dullie And The Piper

A drunken rat, dressed solely in a naval pee coat, staggered close to the booth. bowing low, he said loudly, "gotta pee grand papa!" winking at the mouse, he said, "begg'n yor pardon o'course gov."

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Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 10

Several of them staggered backwards, and zerrex leapt forwards, stabbing towards the stomach of the one who didn't.

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Guardians: Chapter Twelve

A shot rang out and alyx staggered before jumping on the last man who had a revolver. his claws met flesh as he effectively gutted the last man, rending him in two in a bloody mess.

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When he was satisfied he released ethan, who staggered back and collapsed in a heap, blood pooled under him. snow staggered backward and then slumped back against the bonnet. i slid down and crouched beside him.

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Better than Battered Onion Rings

With a tip of his head, gulzig staggered against the wall, as morpheus stared up at the night sky beyond his reaching, bound arms.

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Never An Absolution - Chapter Six

Lord dorsnek emitted a high pitched shrieking whine and staggered backwards, his blood red eyes squeesed tight in agony as he slid to his knees.

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Fat Moose #3

Then staggered away down the hallway, his short fat cougar cock pointing the way. \*\*\* the bedroom was lit only by dim light that slunk in from down the hall.

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Designated Driver Rear Ending... Sometimes it pays to be the only guy sober

As at that very instant, the door banged open and a big bleary eyed bear staggered in. both of them looked up shocked at the big bruin as he staggered over to the edge of the bed.

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Kings Road of Dragons

He was quick to wipe his lip onto his sleeve as he staggered back a bit, with his vision staggered along with him just as the man and his groups chuckling grew to an end.

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Chapter 52 Marvene's Side

Marvene roared with pain and staggered back - then roared again when the vixen followed up with a vicious backslap. and another. and another. marvene took the blows with a burning heart and staggered to one knee.

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Aaru - Chapter 16 (Hakar)

Gruag was staggering, stumbling around as he fought to remain standing. his eyes were glazed over, he clutched his head with both paws as he staggered about. i gathered all my remaining strength into my right fist and struck him in the chest.

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Journies of Martha, Tea Time!

Yena staggered. "yena! are you alright?" yena whimpered, but still had its fiery will. "let's do our best! let's try our trump. use payback!" yena barked and sneasol was pummelled by purple blows.

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