My Gym Partner's Bro Tends The Privates (Part 5)

My Gym Partner's Bro Tends The Privates Part Five. By Eightane \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Will stood frozen, not a hair on his body doing otherwise; when David popped in...

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WiTHiN ch.1 Into the Mind

Kiseki and techno have been friends for a while now. they met in the same apartment complex they live in today, as they were once neighbors. but, kiseki went and moved in with techno, now that they are best buds.

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Lessons from Technobear [Full Story on Patreon]

techno moaned, another thick glob of pre dripping from his cockslit. reaching down, he placed his own paw on dade's bunny cock.

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Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve The conversation had been rather awkward all morning as they hiked their way through the forest. Obsidian had not told Janus about what he had witnessed the night before and had gone back to bed pretty soon after. There was a...

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“Let the Fur Fly” -:A Rave song I thought up and decided to post for the hell of it:-

(long techno beat) foxies now step right in! give your tails a twirly spin! tap your pad glide the floor smoking up the dance floor! gab your mates or thy friends dance like the world shall end!



Jason's RadSuit made him look demonic. Granted, everyone who wore a RadSuit looked demonic. But Jason especially. His vibrant blue feathers were now covered by a deep black metal. His wings now looked like a collection of knives. His beak now ended...

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Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-One It had taken several hours for Obsidian to explain what had happened when he had discovered Janus at the Phoenix Grace facility and his subsequent death. By now, darkness had fallen on Crystal City and the Lower City bar that...

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The 5 Chapter 4

Flare noticed techno getting up and walking to his den as moonstar jumped down from the rock. "wait," flare started. every cat turned to look at him. "doesn't techno have to train too?" flare asked moonstar.

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Chapter 2

"next to it is techno's den." she pionted to the one slightly more to the right. "i don't know where he is right now, but he should be back soon." she told flare. _why is she showing me all this? why am i even_ here_?!_ flare thought.

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Night Beats Part 1 - The New Neighbour

Roll on with da techno musique on da trax....dude :) (words purposely misspelled for fun...)

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QWERTY: Prologue

#1 of stories a 2000s techno drama featuring an angsty computer hacker and an awkward teenager. a furry 2000s techno drama i'm working on. enjoy. **november 12th 2000.** casey was crying today. i wonder what happened to him.

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