Chapter 5:- A Secret Love Affair Begins
'_buzz buzz'_ terri had a text from jess. 'hey, thanks again for understanding, i like you terri, it's like we have a connection. i'll text you later when i'm free for a moment, need to talk to my boyfriend and sort some things out.
[Text]Dr. Eams Aur Weerd[/Text]
Dreams Are Weird For. A place, so va s t We. Keep, it. Small it's like, we dont care. About~ this park, or our house. Which ever we prefer. Don't like. White picket fen-ces Or ro-oms, or doors. We separate, and rearrange its...
Chapter Eight
I reach the part where it's an old reconnaissance mission in which the logan's father and his team infiltrate the federation when all of a sudden i get a text. i pause the game and look over at my phone to see who texted me.
Saynir's story
\<i\>I decided I wanted to actually do a quick little tell about Saynir's story, of which I came up with sometime ago. (I plan to read this out for a youtube channel.)\</i\> So, my first little story I'll be telling is about Saynir. This is actually a...
The True And Potent SECRETS of SoFurry Story Formatting
Here\) displays as: ( **bold text here** ) and ( \bold text here\ ) displays as: ( **bold text here** ) note the spaces between the text and the parends to either side.
Dry Luck [Chapter 02]
**02** Walking back into the locker room after class there was a sudden tug on Marlo's tail that abruptly stopped him. He saw that a few girl cats were the culprits and he grabbed his tail protectively. They giggled menacingly. "He's so...
A Twist of Life Part 2 of ?
Thehin flushed a little bit and smiled. Setting the phone in the cup holder, he pulled the shifter into reverse and backed out of the parking spot. The dim parking garage was a bit dreary as little streams of water trickled down the inclined surface of...
Back Cover Text
#13 of text - "the sacrifice for peace" trilogy this is the text that goes on the back cover of my book.
Fourth Text: In the Rain
"The arms of the one you love can make you move up to a beautiful paradise, when you have them around you. Feeling like your body is protected by the warmth and affection of your soul mate; makes you live some seconds of that inexplicable feeling that...
Second Text: Memories
Next part of this story, now getting the little pup into a deep travel through his memory, again, sorry for my english I hope it is written good enough to be enjoyed. Characters from Disney, I do not own any of them. **_Part 2:...
CBC - Taunting Texts
**coffee break commission** **taunting texts** by xp author jake heard the ping from his phone, glancing up from his computer to look at it. he quickly reached over to grab it, then smiled wide when he saw it was a text from his girlfriend, laura.
Text to speech program
**edit again:** i've added a save as text file option. another update has been the ability to start reading from the cursor position so you can click anywhere in the text box and start the narration from there.