Hacking Nor's Network - By Draconicon

**Hacking Nor's Network** By Draconicon All characters were used with the permission of their owners, and are listed below. [https://www.sofurry.com/view/590626](https://www.sofurry.com/view/590626) * * * Clip, clop. Clip, clop. Clip,...

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Deliverance Written by Danath, and editted by Taiko Akito. This story has been reposted with the permission of Danath; subsequent repostings must be made with the permission of Taiko Akito, and posted here. The characters Nor and Gilded Panderer...

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Pawzer's Uprising

A group of scientist thought they'd created the perfect superdog... too bad he became smarter than them and has decided that he'll be the perfect supervillain. i hope you all enjoy, i would love to hear what you think of the story!

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Hypnovember 2023 - Chime, Tone

**Hypnovember 2023** **Prompts : 14.Tone, 20.Chime For ProfessorWolf, featuring Bastien/CaineLatrans By Limewah 18+** The gallery was _completely_ cleared out, stripped clean like a bleached skeleton in a desert. The lack of statues...

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The Bank Job (Dominator Series #3)

#60 of archived livestream stories pre-2018 long overdue stream commision for sanmer featuring his supervillain fox the dominator gaining a new member of his growing harem of corrupted heroes.

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Rubberman Issue #21: The Depravity of the Scarlet Suit!

supervillains and villainesses were separated from the other prisoners and put in a special jail. there, they were thoroughly immobilized and left in their padded cells for the duration of their sentence.

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Wolf's Hunger

The lupine asked, successfully stopping him in the middle of a rant about supervillains and heroes. "uh, cosa4? what do you mean?" ale asked back, in a pitiful attempt to avert the subject.

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Tales from Silicon City 8: Bake Sale

The proceeds would go towards the citizens of aphrodite city that lost their homes in the sudden explosion of supervillain activity that consumed their city.

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Hypnovember - Day 25: Orgasm Denial

But instead of being panicked over the revelation that his boyfriend was a supervillain, the rabbit feared for his life after remembering his promise to have lunch together, a date he skipped after choosing to stop team rocket's heist. "fuck!

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A Most Flexcellent Stream

Including supervillains. and sometimes, they have the unmitigated charisma to make their antics work for it~ even if it might sometimes be to the detriment of others.

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Superhero 2

He had only seconds to live, because the armored giant had mistaken him for a supervillain, many of whom had armored suits and artificially-enhanced powers of resilience.

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Like i can be a superhero and you can be a supervillain and i can thwart you! with my dick! that would be amazing!" i won't lie, i'm pretty giddy saying all this. what can i say?

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