Eiko, the shy and timid Golden chapter 3

Chapter 3: Boys ain't everything Another week had passed since Eiko's little incident in the locker room. The soccer team had been practicing three times since then and each time had both Kayla and Erica done what they could to allow for Eiko to...

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Growing Up Gay in High School - Book 1: Freshman Year - Chapter 1

It was a golden retriever and he was gorgeous. i had no idea who he was. he must've gone to a different middle school. i took a seat. unfortunately, it was no where near him. the teach began to call out for attendance. "colin?"

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Sexual Healing

My name is arthur, i am a 14 year old wolf at the laural ridge rtc program, and today in my journal, i will tell you what happened between me and the beautiful golden retriever amber.

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Ch 1: Memories of Last Night

"yeah, blake usually goes all out....and he expects the same usually from his guests" the golden retriever said with a grin. brian slammed his beer and encourage jake to do the same while he went to go get more.

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Failed Containment: Chapter 17 - Monsters In The Dark

Sebastian abercrombe was an older golden retriever. he once had the form of a bodybuilder, but age had robbed him of his muscle tone and hunched his posture.

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My first sex tape

I could see the golden retriever on the video camera pumping and then stretch a leg knocking it off the bed. then there was nothing but the nightstand and the sounds of bed squeaking and moist smacking.

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Iridescent - Chapter 1 - The Catalyst (2)

Chapter 1 - The Catalyst (2) ..... I took a detour to fill my car's tank and grab some ground coffee. The traffic was lax. Perks of living in a small town. The air is refreshing, unlike the suffocating atmosphere in big cities. Cement blocks are not...

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TMF-Ep4-New Classmates-

In the next few days thomas would become acquainted with two new people, a golden retriever named johnny and a dark colored rat named harry.

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The golden retriever was alone after all, so a bit of conversation with his insistent belly wasn't something he minded.

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A visit to The Headmistress

The poor blue-eyed golden retriever had thought she had been discreet...but clearly not!

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Food Chain: Praise be to Hector

About 30 minutes had passed and if my guess was correct, the second group of players had made it to the island and had 10 minutes to explore already. The first group, however, were now deeper into the jungle.We has lost Kyle the fish, and Crystal the...

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D.E1 Chapter 48 Father and son reunited

The mixed golden retriever said. there was so much to say, but so little words that came out. "this is so good." panzer said as he took a sip of his warm milk. "i had forgotten about it to be honest."

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