Poke Paradise: Daven 3

Nina: if that was due to a shock, sorry honey, but i'm part ground-type. then he turned to nina, licking his lips as he grabbed at her breasts. indeed his hands could barely grab at them even in two handfuls!

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Challenging Flannery

Swampert the mud fish pokemon a water and ground type. it can swim while towing a large ship. it bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms."

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TMF-Ep37-The 6th Ordeal-

-he uses axes as his main weapon and uses the ground type element. -his magic form is a titian made out of earth and ground alexander- he wears a dark green raincoat with gardeners gloves, blue jeans and black boots.

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Jolteon's mistake

The ground-type set jolteon down on the grass. "on your back again. i like it when you submit like that." jolteon didn't know what was going on, but had no allusions as to deny the request.

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 20: More Than a Victory is Obtained

He walked just a little bit towards it and the dragon/ground-type jetted towards him. fear took over him as the flygon got closer and closer, lucario didn't see this.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 32 and Union Cave

Quagsire the water fish pokemon a water and ground type. a dim-witted pokemon. it doesn't care if its bumps its head into boats or rocks while swimming."

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Chapter 5: The Bolt Badge

Not only was the damage already minimal due to his ground typing, but going under the flames essentially negated very much all of the heat effects.

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Mewthree's Christmas Carol - Food

"i was born a cripple," he cried, "lacking the ability to fly," "if i were to leave town and meet a ground-type, i would surely die!"

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Petalburg City

After the training, i was about to finish up and leave the petalburg woods when i was challenged by a bug catcher who sent out a nincada a unique bug and ground type.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Violet City

I decided to test hoppip's strength against the final pokemon that i hadn't yet caught on route 32 that being wooper a water and ground type meaning its only weakness was grass type.

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Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt3

It was similarly close, though the fact it was close was not a huge compliment to the infernape, since he had several rock- and ground-type moves while the magmar didn't know psychic.

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Neptune's biography

Resistant to ground types but vulnerable to grass types. - has a monstrous physical strength and defense with which he can divert special attacks and block physical attacks but his speed is bad on the ground and really high in the water.

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