Journey of the Chosen Chapter Thirteen

After becoming a little more accustomed to how this new world really works, evin finally begins a quest to get word of his survival back home to his sister and parents as he set out from professor juniper's lab in nuvema town.

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Two Sides to Every Tale Ch. 2

._ it was quiet and still in nuvema as a pair of dark clad figures headed to the esteemed professor juniper's lab. "hey, aerith, do you really think this is a good idea?" one of them asked as they came within sight of the building.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Twenty-Two part one

They had at first planned on staying at the goldenrod pokemon center until new year 's day, but ever since they got the update from professor juniper their plans were crushed to pieces.

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Shadow games

"yes, we received a call from professor juniper; she told us that you were a trustworthy trainer that would take good care of golett." "ok would it be any trouble if you could let it in so you can tell it now?"

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Pokemon BW.03 The Striaton Situation

professor juniper gave me something to give to her." "oh really? what did she want to give to the other prof.?" jonathon asked her.


Pokemon Unevolved - Chapter 4

#5 of pokemon unevolved kelly is asked by professor juniper to go on an pokémon journey through unova with the restriction that she cannot evolve her pokémon.

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Pokemon Unevolved - Chapter 3

#4 of pokemon unevolved kelly is asked by professor juniper to go on an pokémon journey through unova with the restriction that she cannot evolve her pokémon.

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Black and White Adventures Ch. 02 Accumula-ted in the Square

**a/n:** i'm very sorry for the pun in the title, i just had to do it xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx after we finished the meal jon made us, i went back in to talk with professor juniper about my travels through hoenn, about meeting all the gym leaders and obtaining

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Two

Joy pointed him to the communications computers before he then asked for professor juniper's number.

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juniper, the authority on pokémon in the region of unova.

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Rosa's Guide to Poképhillia, Ch 1 - Lucario

#2 of rosa's guide to poképhillia rosa is the very curious lab assistant to professor juniper who has the lab to herself.

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Chapter 5: The Journey Begins

Amber had gathered her things as they headed back inside as ash had already headed back to let professor juniper know that amber and yuji were heading out today.

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