Monodramon's Ambition
agumon would soon be lost in monodramon's rushed action. agumon closed his eyes and now monodramon knew he completely had agumon where he wanted him. agumon accepting this kiss rather well now. agumon was indeed the perfect maul to test this out on.
End Game - Chapter 24 - Not Dead Yet
Gatomon leapt forward and tackled agumon. gatomon was weakened, but so was agumon, and gatomon was still a champion. agumon grabbed her paws and tried to hold her off, but gatomon simply smiled.
5 Seasons of Love
agumon just stood there in awe and veemon leaned in and kissed agumon. agumon's hand dropped after a few seconds. veemon's tongue went in deep swirling around agumon's. agumon's hand came up placing them on veemon's face cheeks.
Lost in the Woods 12: Mixed Feelings
Veemon lay beside agumon, swallowing the last bit of the cum in his mouth. agumon began to lick the spilled cum off of veemon's torso. agumon was ready for more, which surprised even agumon himself.
Gabumon and Greymon's Fun in the Forest
"by the gods agumon, you're so big".
destin part 2
agumon hands?"
Lost in the Woods 01: Lost in the Woods
agumon, realizing what veemon had seen, blushed, looking mortified. "agumon?" asked veemon. "y-yes, veemon?" stuttered agumon, not quite sure what to say or do.
The Trouble Maker Returns 3
agumon growled, "over my dead body." agumon pushed veemon against his cabinet full of cloths. agumon gave veemon a good side punch making veemon almost trip right outside his room. veemon staggered up and gave agumon a most unexpected glare.
The Fishy Plant
agumon was slobbering while slapping gabumon's hips. agumon grunted and so did gabumon his cock bouncing along with agumon's fast pace. agumon grunted, "mmmmmmmmm!" he came inside gabumon.
Hide and go Fuck
agumon leaned in, "i suppose you did." frost closed his eyes as agumon kissed him on the lips. frost deeply pressed his elbows against the bed. agumon lowered the zipper of his jacket. agumon's passion grew kissing frost deeper and deeper.
The Park
"oh agumon, you're so thick..." veemon opened his eyes slowly, looking lovingly into the eyes of agumon.
War of Reemon
agumon struggled to find words. veemon expressed concern and asked if agumon was ok. agumon just nodded but that was further from the truth. the more agumon tried to ignore it the more it came over that agumon was becoming love-struck.